ACT – Interfaith Dialogues: The Voice and Reconciliation

Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture logoThe Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture is presenting four public Interfaith Dialogues, hosted by Profs Anthony Maher and Stan Grant. The discussions will include a panel of six faith leaders from different religions. Each panellist will briefly engage with introductory remarks addressing the above questions followed by a Q & A hosted by Stan Grant between the panel and the audience.

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Opening the Parliamentary Year: Deep Listening

Opening the Parliamentary Year: Deep Listening

Each time a new parliamentary sitting commences, one of the churches of Canberra hosts a service of worship, to which come the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition, their parliamentary colleagues, and others connected with the workings of the Parliament. This year, at the start of the parliamentary year, the preacher was the Rev. Dr Sarah Bachelard, who is the Director of the Benedictus Community, which meets in Canberra and online.

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Forget $3000 caskets, meet the guy who paints cardboard coffins in Canberra

Cardboard coffinTender Funerals is a not-for-profit, largely volunteer-run funeral company with operations in Sydney, the Illawarra region, and the Mid-North Coast. Giving the family maximum control at a low cost is their unique selling point. A cardboard coffin like the one in his garage wholesales for $135 at Daisy Box Australia. Tender Funerals adds a small fee and sells them to members of the public to decorate as they please.

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Quakers Australia – Integrity in Public Office

Australian QuakersOn Thursday 4 August, in pouring rain, a group of Quakers held a short action “Show Integrity in Public Office” at Parliament House in Canberra. The purpose was, and is, to support the new federal government to establish a strong Integrity Commission.

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Canberra: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Solutions

Brahma Kumaris Australia

Charlie Hogg, National Director of Brahma Kumaris Australia will give one talk on how the ancient wisdom from India can help us find solutions to modern problems at the Larry Sitsky Recital Hall, ANU, on evening of 5 August 2022 from 6:00pm.

This programme has been postponed.”Ancient Wisdom Modern Solutions” lead performer for this programme has COVID and so we are postponing this programme. We will let you know the details about this programme in future which is likely to be in warmer months.

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Online Course: The Philosophy of Gandhi

MK GANDHIAs part of the commemoration of 75 years of India’s independence an online course on the philosophy and teachings of Mahatama Gandhi will be offered during July. Places are limited, those interested should apply soon. The participants will be awarded certificates digitally signed by High Commission of India and Dr. Shobhana Radhakrishna

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2022: International Day of Yoga in Canberra

International Day of Yoga - United Nations LogoRecognizing its universal appeal, the United Nations proclaimed 21 June as the International Day of Yoga, which aims to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practicing yoga. Integrated Cultures ACT Inc. Integrated Women’s Network (IWN) and the High Commission of India, Canberra invite you to a celebration of INTERNATIONAL DAY of YOGA. You are invited to join for a series of sessions by Yoga practitioners and teachers.

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ACT: Blackfriars Lecture, Closing the Gap and Aboriginal Health

ACU Blackfriars logoOn 20 July from 5:45 – 7pm, the Blackfriars lecture will address Closing the gap through Indigenous health initiatives by Mr Craig Ritchie, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. Event is free, RSVP by email. The lecture title is Homer among the Health Workers: metis, culture and closing the gap, a personal reflection.

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