Religions for Peace NSW Branch met at Parliament House, Sydney on 2 June. The speaker for Reconciliation Week was Dr Damien Freeman.
Religions for Peace NSW Branch met at Parliament House, Sydney on 2 June. Speaker at Reconciliation week for RfP was Dr Damien Freeman, lawyer, philosopher , lecturer ( Cambridge ) and author.
Along with Julian Leeser, Damien co-founded Uphold & Recognise, an organisation of Australians who are committed both to upholding the Australian Constitution and recognising indigenous Australians.
This is an organisation of Australians who are committed both to upholding the Australian Constitution and recognising indigenous Australians.
“We believe that it is possible to develop measures that would fairly recognise Australia’s indigenous peoples; help to enable better outcomes for them; and, at the same time, uphold the integrity of the Australian Constitution,” said Dr Freeman.
Uphold & Recognise was launched at the State Library of New South Wales on 13 April, 2015. To read Noel Pearson’s speech at the launch, click here.

Religions for Peace NSW Branch with Dr Damien Freeman