(8 March 2020 | New York City, USA) Prof. Dr. Azza Karam [Secretary General- Elect, Religions for Peace (RfP)] and Consul General David Gill of the Federal Republic of Germany in New York recently met for an interview highlighting the roles of religious women as key leaders and stakeholders in diplomatic efforts across the globe, in celebration of International Women’s Day. This interview is part of the series “Women of Faith and Diplomats for Peace” organised by the Religion and Foreign Policy Division of the German Federal Foreign Office.
The German Federal Foreign Office is a quintessential partner of RfP, and was instrumental in realising the RfP 10th World Assembly in Lindau, Germany in August 2019, where the RfP global movement – comprised of 90 experienced, representative and diverse interreligious platforms within 90 countries across 6 regions – elected Prof. Dr. Karam as both the first woman and first Muslim to serve as its Secretary General.
This interview follows the recently released 2020-2025 Strategic Plan of Religions for Peace, which highlights the 6 priorities identified by the RfP global movement: peaceful, just and inclusive Societies; gender equality; sustainable environment; freedom of thought, conscience and religion; interreligious education; and global partnerships.
RfP is also celebrating International Women’s Day by highlighting the voices, stories and leadership of faith-inspired women within the RfP global movement throughout the month of March. These stories feature both current and historic RfP women leaders and women-led initiatives and will be shared on RfP’s website and social media accounts using the hashtag #FaithInspiredWomenforPeace.