World Interfaith Harmony Week – Message by Prime Minister

Prime Minister, Tony Abbott

The co-convenors of the Parliamentary Friends of Multiculturalism, the Member for Calwell Maria Vamvakinou and the Member for McMillan Russell Broadbent commemorated the United Nations Interfaith Harmony Week with an interfaith dialogue in partnership with the Canberra Interfaith forum and Religions for Peace Australia in Parliament House Canberra, on Wednesday, 11 February 2015. The Prime Minister, the Hon. Tony Abbott, MP, provided an message to the forum, which was read by the Member for McMillan Russell Broadbent.


The co-convenors of the Parliamentary Friends of Multiculturalism, the Member for Calwell Maria Vamvakinou and the Member for McMillan Russell Broadbent commemorated the United Nations Interfaith Harmony Week with an interfaith dialogue in partnership with the Canberra Interfaith forum and Religions for Peace Australia in Parliament House Canberra, on Wednesday, 11 February 2015. The Prime Minister, the Hon. Tony Abbott, MP, provided an message to the forum, which was read by the Member for McMillan Russell Broadbent.

Prime Minister’s Message ( read by the Member for McMillan, Russell Broadbent)




I am pleased to provide this message for the United Nations Interfaith Harmony Week event at Parliament House.

This is an opportunity to promote understanding, tolerance and respect between people of different faiths and cultures. It is also a time to strengthen the bonds that unite us all.

Australia is a tolerant and pluralist democracy. Events like this encourage people to consider how we can build an even more inclusive and cohesive Australia.

The mutual respect of different religious communities for each other is one of our country’s great strengths.

Our democracy rests on an understanding that every individual counts; and our social solidarity rests on the understanding that we should treat others as we would have them treat us.

Australia has a multicultural character and it is unimaginable without the life, the times, and the passion of people who have come here from all four corners of the earth.

As a nation, we have found unity in our diversity and respect in our differences. Together, we have built a modern nation on the idea that anyone can get ahead provided they are prepared to “have a go”.

I pay tribute to the work of the Parliamentary Friends of Multiculturalism, the Canberra Interfaith Forum and Religions for Peace Australia to make this event a success.

I send my best wishes to everyone taking part in Interfaith Harmony Week.

The Hon Tony Abbott MP
Prime Minister of Australia

World Interfaith Harmony Week ~ Love of the Good, Love of the Neighbour