Religions for Peace World Assembly convenes in Lindau, Germany

Religions for Peace 10th World Assembly logoThe 10th World Assembly of Religions for Peace is convening in Lindau, Germany, this week. The multi-religious gathering is being organised from 20-23 August in partnership with the Foundation Peace Dialogue of the World Religions and Civil Society.

The assembly is also being supported by the German Federal Foreign Office and the Bavarian State. Religions for Peace convenes an assembly every 5-7 years for the purpose of forging a moral consensus on contemporary challenges, electing new leadership and advancing multi-religious action across and beyond the Religions for Peace network, of which the World Council of Churches is a part.

Under the theme “Caring for our Common Future  ̶ Advancing Shared Well-being,” some 800 religious leaders, youth and women of faith from over 100 countries will be joined by 100 representatives of governments, intergovernmental organisations and civil society groups to forge partnerships for the common good. Previous Religions for Peace Assemblies have resulted in multi-religious projects in peace-building and development across the world.

At the assembly this week, religious leaders coming from zones of conflict will engage in conflict mediation sessions among additional religious leaders and other key stakeholders.


Religions for Peace 10th World Assembly