The Annual Report of the Canberra Interfaith Forum for 2013 – 2014 is available for reading.
The Annual Report of the Canberra Interfaith Forum has the following contents
- About Canberra Interfaith Forum (CIF)
- CIF’s Interfaith Activities in 2013 – 2014
- Interfaith Event at 2014 February National Multicultural Festival
- Meeting with a visiting Chinese Delegation in November 2013
- Text of Mr Harry Oppermann’s presentation ‘Australia: A Diverse Society – The Dreaming: Indigenous Spirituality’
- Public Interfaith Symposium in May 2014 on the theme ‘Valuing our Diversity: Not simply tolerating our Differences’ – (texts of the speeches by Rt. Reverend Professor Stephen Pickard, Executive Director of the Australian Centre and Associate Professor Mehmet Ozalp, Director of the Centre for Islamic Sciences Studies and Civilisation; and a summary of key points that arose during the roundtable discussion at the Symposium are included)
- Visit to Parliament House in 2013 – (the text of the speech by the Chairperson of CIF, Mr Dean Sahu Khan, is included)
- Committee Members of CIF 2013 -2014
- Environment Meditation and Healing Garden
Download: You may download the Annual Report of the Canberra Interfaith Forum
Who we are
We, the Canberra Interfaith Forum (CIF), are a group of people from 12 different spiritual traditions in the Australian Capital Territory: Baha’i; Buddhist; Brahma Kumaris; Christian; Hindu; Islam, Jewish; Pagan Awareness Network; Quakers, Sikh; Sathya Sai; and Sukyo Mahikari.
Our Vision
To encourage people living and working in harmony, respecting all cultures, races and spiritual traditions.
Our Mission
To work for interreligious peace and harmony and for social cohesion in Canberra and the ACT as well as upholding the universal values of religion and individual spirituality.
Our Objectives
- Promote open conversation between individuals of various spiritual traditions based on equality and mutual respect.
- Deepen knowledge, understanding and appreciation of various spiritual traditions.
- Demonstrate loving and effective relationships between peoples of various spiritual traditions.
- Share deeper spiritual insights and values in the community.
- Uphold and respect the right of all human beings to maintain and practise in harmony the spiritual traditions of their choice.
- Promote cooperative action involving participating spiritual traditions in the ACT.
- Participate appropriately in community events such as the Multicultural Festival and multifaith worship.
- Disseminate information on multifaith and relevant activities.
Our Activities
- Hosting and participating in interfaith public forums
- Organising interfaith events at ACT National Multicultural Festival.
- Visiting each other’s places of worship
- Maintenance of CIF’s ‘Environment Meditation and Healing Garden’, which is located at the eastern end of Grevillea Park just east of Clare Holland House (ACT Hospice)
Canberra Interfaith Forum
PO Box 3900, Western Creek ACT 2611
Email: canberrainterfaithforum — at —