Queensland: The Forgotten Phenomenon

Children of War flyer

Griffith University Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue in collaboration with Exile International and the University of Queensland – School of Political Science & International Studies will present a public film screening and discussion of The Forgotten Phenomenon. This event will be a free screening of the film, Children of War.

Griffith University Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue in collaboration with Exile International and the University of Queensland – School of Political Science & International Studies will present a public film screening entitled The Forgotten Phenomenon. This event will be a free screening of the film, Children of War.

The film highlights the journey of a group of former Ugandan child soldiers as they undergo a process of trauma therapy and emotional healing while in a rehabilitation centre.

What: Film Screening, Children of War

When: TUESDAY October 14th 2014, 6pm – 8pm

Where: Griffith University Nathan Campus, Multi-Faith Centre – Building N35

Cost: Free; light refreshments available

More information: Please RSVP by Friday October 10th 2014 to icd@griffith.edu.au

Download a Flyer for this event

Director: Bryan Single
Year: 2009
Country: USA
Time: ’75

Filmed in the war-zone of northern Uganda over a period of three years by Director Bryan Single. ‘Children of War’ is a unique and incandescent documentary which follows a group of former child soldiers as they escape the battlefield, enter a rehabilitation center, and undergo a process of trauma therapy and emotional healing.

Having been abducted from their homes and schools and forced to become fighters by the Lord’s Resistance Army – a quasi-religious militia led by self-proclaimed prophet and war criminal Joseph Kony – the children struggle to confront and break through years of captivity, extreme religious indoctrination, and participation in war crimes with the help of a team of trauma counsellors. As these fearless allies guide the children forward into new lives.

Children of War illuminates a powerful and cathartic story of forgiveness and hope in the aftermath of war.


Trailer: Children of War

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