The Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) held its 12th General Assembly and AGM on Sunday 3 March 2019 in Sydney. The General Assembly of ANIC discussed and considered various topics and affairs that concern Australian Muslims. It also discussed various proposals and strategies relating to, and the future direction of, ANIC and the Australian Muslim community.
The General Assembly of ANIC discussed and considered various topics and affairs that concern Australian Muslims. It also discussed various proposals and strategies relating to, and the future direction of, ANIC and the Australian Muslim community.
Among the matters discussed was the importance of the ongoing unity of Imams in Australia and the Australian Muslim Community.
The ANIC General Assembly also resolved to establish the Australian Fatwa Council which will focus on Fatwas (Islamic Verdicts) on contemporary issues and matters pertaining to Australian Muslims and preservation of the Islamic Identity. The Fatwa Council will be chaired by the Mufti of Australia.
Another matter which was canvassed was the importance of encouraging the Australian Muslim community to be more politically active and engaged, particularly in the upcoming State and Federal elections.
Finally, all of the Imams affirmed their commitment to serving Islam, the Australian Muslim community and Australia.
The ANIC General Assembly elected new Executive Committee office bearers for a three-year term. ANIC also takes this opportunity to thank the outgoing Executive Committee members for their dedication, contributions and achievements.