Greetings of peace! Our March gathering to honour Harmony Week will feature a long-time member of Religions for Peace Tasmania participant, Rev Rosalind Terry from the Uniting Church. The topic is A Mystery Pilgrimage: how a Christian minister found herself in India studying Buddhist philosophy.
Please feel welcome to join us at 3.00-4.30pm on Sunday 24 March 2019 at the UTAS Multifaith Centre, TUU Building, Churchill Ave., Sandy Bay.
Holy Days and Festivals in March
4 March – Mahashivaratri, Hinduism
6 March – Ash Wednesday, Christianity. Lent begins in the lead up to Easter
11 March – Great Lent, Orthodox Christianity
21 March – March Equinox
21 March – Purim, Judaism
21 March – Holi, Hinduism
21 March – Hola Mohalla, Sikhism
21 March – Naw Ruz, Baha’i
Hindu Society of Tasmania
Satsang Group Discussions
Hindu Society of Tasmania in association with like-minded organisations is organising “Satsang” or Group Discussions” on various Hindu spiritual & religious subjects for the past couple of years. The aim of these discussions is to share and exchange the understanding & studies of interested members to the benefit of the other interested members in the wider community. The topics to be covered in the discussions may include but not limited to the following:
*To discuss the fundamentals of various philosophies/faiths in Hindu Culture
*Discussion on spiritual understanding on Atma, Paramatma, Brahman, Karma etc.
*To share personal view points on how to address unanswerable questions of life.
*To share various cultural practises and the rationale behind these practises
*Any subject which encourages healthy interaction on the wider Hindu Culture
*To encourage self study and to share of the information gained on the same.
The next topic on the Satsang Group Discussions is the “VIVEKA-CHUDAMANI” or “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination”, which will be presented by Dr. N Jeyasreedharan (Sree). The reference book for the presentation is “The Message of Vivekachudamani” by Swami Ranganathananda. Sree will lead the study which will include readings from the reference book, slide presentations, sound and video recordings and other interpretations. At the end of presentations there will be opportunity for discussions.
The Viveka-Chudamani is one of the important original works of Adi Sankaracharya. The central theme of Vivekachudamani is God in its transcendental, impersonal aspect – beyond mind and duality. Adi Sankaracharya’s style of presenting such an abstruse subject as self-realization in this excellent text Vivekachudamani is both concise and incisive in its approach and analysis. It at once appeals to the mind and the heart. It is highly poetic and deeply mystic, and yet rational. The hidden message of the text is on direct intuitive experience which is far greater than any amount of scholarship, argument or discussion.
Venue and Time:
The next date for Satsang Group Discussion is on Monday 4th March at 6:30pm.
The satsangs will be held on the first Monday of each month, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at the UTAS Multifaith Centre, TUU Building, Churchill Ave, Sandy Bay. The next date for Satsang Group Discussion is on Monday 4th March at 6:30pm. Those who are interested, please email to or SMS to any of the following members
Ajit S Ramadas: 0411 300 630
Sree: 0413 936 936
Dances of Universal Peace
Dances for Universal Peace is now held every fortnight on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7.00pm.
The first Tuesdays are, as always, led by Nicola. The third Tuesday by a combination of Chando, Kafia and Mieke. Please note the new time starts at 7.00pm.
Tuesday 5th March is with Nicola at 339 Macquarie St, South Hobart in the Hawker Centre behind the All Saints Anglican Church and The Jesse Tree op shop, starting at 7.00pm. Enquires: 0400051963
Hobart Buddhist Meditation Centre
Tuesday evening meditation for March: The Four Noble Truths
The teaching of the Four Noble truths is the first teaching which the Buddha gave after his enlightenment. It deals with suffering (Dukkha), its causes, and how to progressively become free from suffering. The teaching is common to all forms of Buddhism. Each Tuesday evening one of our leaders will deal with one of the four Truths in succession. As usual, there will also be opportunity for meditation, for discussion and for questions. We hope to see you there.
Meditation and Discussions are held from 7.30-9 pm, every Tuesday. Entry by $5 suggested donation.
73 Liverpool St [Goulds building, down the laneway to the right of the building, in the door between the bamboo pots and up the stairs to the 2nd floor]
2019 Easter Retreat
Bookings are now open for our April 2019 (18-26 April) retreat with Zasep Tulku Rinpoche at Dorje Ling Retreat Centre, Lorinna, Tasmania.
Rinpoche will be teaching on the subject of Mahamudra. This is a rare and precious opportunity to receive teachings in Tasmania direct from a Tibetan master of the Dharma.
More information is on our website, where bookings may be made:
For information and inquiries, or ring Kkate on 0432 630 796.
Meditation meetings will be in recess from 11 December and will resume on the first Tuesday evening in February.
Serenity in the City
Serenity in the City is a new program of guided meditations hosted by the Brahma Kumaris to be held every Thursday at lunch time from 12.30-1.00pm from 7 March to the end of May at Mathers House, Mathers Lane, Bathurst St, Hobart (Between the Hobart Library and the Playhouse)
Come and enjoy your self by allowing a little time to breathe and let go of stress. This is a free event, run by experienced meditators as a community service. See attached flier.
Inquiries: Helen or Alice on 6278 3788 or
Download a Flyer for this event
Australian Religious Response to Climate Change
Representatives of Australian Religious Response to Climate Change will be supporting the Students Strike for Climate Change (#Strike4Climate) to be held from 12noon-2.00pm on Friday 15 March at Parliament House lawns, Hobart.
If you’d like to join us, look for the banner!
Hindu Society of Tasmania
HOLI is our most colourful holiday! The fun-filled ‘Festival of Colours” is being celebrated on Sunday MARCH 24th – it literally has a lot of colour to add to your life!
Venue: No 6 & 7, Letitia Grove, Bridgewater
Date and Time: Sunday 24th March, 11am to 2pm
Ticket : $5
Celebrate the Holi festival with us !
All Welcome!
Hindu Society Of Tasmania
Tasmania Muslim Association:
We are pleased to invite you to a Harmony Speech event that is scheduled to be held on Friday 22nd March 2019 at 6.30 PM at MCoT Hub, 65 Hopkins St, Moonah.
Professor Mohamad Abdalla, Founding Director of the Centre for Islamic Thought and Education (CITE), University of South Australia, is the lecturer for this event. He is a prominent Muslim figure who played a leading role in establishing Islamic Studies as an academic area of study in Australian universities. The lecture topic is “Harmony Through Interconnectedness: Historical Lessons From Islamic and Western Civilisations” themed after the upcoming Harmony week, 2019. The event is designed to be of a single lecture session followed by a Q/A Discussion session. This event is supported by the Australian Government and Muslims Australia (Australian Federation of Islamic Councils).
We would be delighted to have your presence at this event.
Download a Flyer for this event
Download Abstract and Biography of Professor Abdalla
From Religions for Peace Australia and Melbourne University Chaplaincy:
Former head of Australia’s Human Rights Commission, Professor Gillian Triggs, gave an address on Religious Freedom in celebration of World Interfaith Harmony Week 2019 – at Melbourne University – on 5th of February 2019 to an audience of 400 interested persons: A recording of her talk is on the Religions for Peace Australia website:
Religions for Peace International Rainforest Initiative:
Rainforests sustain all life on the planet. They are irreplaceable. Not only do they exhibit creation in its most exquisite beauty, they provide millions of people with food, shelter, livelihoods, medicine and clean water. They are also the best climate solution we have. If protected and restored, rainforests can provide an indispensable contribution to sustainable development. Instead, they are at grave risk.
The Interfaith Rainforest Initiative is an international, multi-faith alliance that aims to bring moral urgency and faith-based leadership to global efforts to end tropical deforestation. It is a platform for religious leaders to work hand-in-hand with indigenous peoples, governments, civil society and business on actions that protect rainforests and safeguard those that serve as their guardians.
We focus on three main goals: Raising Awareness, Mobilising Action and Influencing Policy.
From Zenit:
Organizing Committee of Abuse Summit Meet with Victims Ahead of Historic Event
In peace,
Convenor RfP Tasmania Branch
Vice Chair, Religions for Peace Australia
Phone 6272 6521