2019 World Interfaith Harmony Week – Parliament House, Canberra

The co-convenors of the Parliamentary Friends of Multiculturalism, the Member for Calwell Maria Vamvakinou and the Member for McMillan Russell Broadbent commemorated the United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week with a guest speaker in partnership with the Canberra Interfaith Forum and Religions for Peace Australia in Parliament House Canberra, on Wednesday, 13 February 2019. Rabbi Shmueli Feldman of Chabad ACT delivered the keynote address.

The Parliamentary Friends of Multiculturalism commemorated their annual United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week in Parliament House on Feb 13 2019. This event was facilitated by Religions for Peace Australia and the Canberra Interfaith Forum.


Maria Vamvakinou of the Parliamentary Friends of Multiculturalism welcomes guests and gives an overview of World Interfaith Harmony Week


In what was the first time a Jewish guest was invited to deliver the keynote address. Rabbi Shmueli Feldman, Chairman of Chabad ACT, delivered a speech about “Multiculturalism in today’s Australia”.

In previous years function, the Grand Mufti of Australia has attended the function as the guest speaker.

Rabbi Feldman highlighted the growing threat of antisemitism to the Jewish community in Australia and offered the Jewish approach to multiculturalism and interfaith, urging the Government to be more proactive in adequately addressing the troubling trend.

In attendance were Federal MPs and Senators, Ambassadors, and Faith and Community Leaders including many Middle Eastern ambassadors and the Palestinian ambassador.

Download the talk given by Rabbi Feldman


Hosts of the Interfaith Event Russell Broadbent MHR, Maria Vamvakinou MHR, Prof. Des Cahill and ACT DPP Dean Sahu Khan with guest Rabbi Shmueli Feldman


Rabbi Shmueli Feldman gives an address at Parliament House Canberra


Parliamentary Friends of Multiculturalism with Rabbi Feldman and Interfaith Dialogue practitioners


2019 World Interfaith Harmony Week – Parliament House, Canberra