The 10th Anniversary of 9/11 will be observed in Melbourne on Sunday, 11 September, 2011 with an interfaith service at St Paul’s Cathedral.
Tenth Anniversary of 9/11
Terrorist Attack in the United States
Sunday September 11, 2011 1.00 pm to 1.45 pm St Paul’s Cathedral, Melbourne
A Service of Sacred Music, Silent Prayer (A Guide of Prayers from World Religions provided) with Personal Reflections by:
Professor Ismail Albayrak, Fethullah Gulen Chair in the Study of Islam and Muslim-Catholic Relations, Asia-Pacific Centre for Interreligious Dialogue, Australian Catholic University,
Bishop Philip Huggins, North-West Region, Chair Multi-Cultural Ministry, Chair Social Responsibilities Committee, Anglican Diocese of Melbourne.
People of all faiths are welcome.
Download a Flyer for this event
Source: Anglican Diocese of Melbourne
Photo Credit: Organ Historical Trust of Australia