Effortless Being: the Art of Natural Meditation

Dr Peter Fenner

Peter Fenner, Ph.D. is a leader in the adaption and transmission of Asian nondual wisdom worldwide. He will give a talk on Effortless Being at Prana House, Thornbury, on Wednesday, 4 December.

Peter Fenner, Ph.D. is a leader in the adaption and transmission of Asian nondual wisdom worldwide. He is a pioneer in the development of nondual therapy and creator of the 9 month Radiant Mind Course® and the Natural Awakening: Advanced Nondual Training. He was a celibate monk in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition for 9 years and has a Ph.D. in the philosophical psychology of Mahayana Buddhism. Over a period of 40 years Peter has distilled the essence of traditions like Zen, Dzogchen and the Buddhist Middle Way, and adapted them to suit our post-modern culture. His presentation at Prana House will be an introduction to awareness practice for both therapist and client.

“Learning to abide in deep, profound states of awareness gives us satisfaction. Every moment we rest in awareness we are truly, genuinely and authentically fulfilled. Nothing at all is missing. Overtime, and with practice, it’s possible to become more and more familiar with a state that is free of anxiety and worry and highly productive and beneficial for ourselves and others. We will make the first steps towards discovering a way of quiet, effortless being that is profoundly nourishing and essential for our overall wellbeing and happiness”.

About the presenter(s) Peter teaches in North America, Europe, Israel, India, and Australia and has presented his work at leading universities and institutions including Columbia, Stanford, CIIS, Naropa. Saybrook and Omega. He has written extensively on Buddhist nondual traditions. He has authored several books and is the Founder of Timeless Wisdom. His books include Radiant Mind—Awakening the unconditioned awareness, Sacred Mirror: Nondual Wisdom and Psychotherapy (with John Prendergast and Sheila Krystal), The Edge of Certainty, Essential Wisdom Teachings (with Penny Fenner) Reasoning into Reality, and The Ontology of the Middle Way.

What:Presentation – Effortless Being: the Art of Natural Meditation

When: Wednesday, 4 Dec 2013, 6:45pm till 9pm

Where: Prana House, 1/885 High Street, Thornbury, Melbourne. This venue is not wheelchair accessible

Cost: 30$ or $20 for TPIG members and students

More information: Integral Psychology