Religions, Ethics and Education Network of Australia
What is REENA?
REENA is a working group of scholars, community practitioners, and peak body representatives working in religion and/or education in Australia.
Its primary aim is to counter religious prejudice and advance respect for religious and non-religious diversity. REENA members and supporters come from a wide range of religious and non-religions traditions, and from a variety of educational institutions and organisations. The group initially developed as a result of activities during the Parliament of World Religions held in Melbourne in 2009 and roundtable discussions about Religion and Education in Multifaith Australia held at Monash University in 2010, and Macquarie University in 2011.
REENA hopes to bring attention to current issues, policies and practices regarding religions and ethics education in Australian schools. Presently the group is focused on three actions:
- Supporting the inclusion of religions and ethics (from religious and non-religious perspectives) in the new Australian National Curriculum.
- Initiating a comprehensive review of Special Religious Instruction/Education in all government schools, in all states.
- Reviewing global best practice and developing resources for inclusive education about religions and ethical traditions.