The University of Divinity’s Centre for Research in Religion and Social Policy (RASP) is conducting its Annual Conversation on Friday 1 June at Collins Street Baptist Church. Many attended and appreciated last year’s Conversation on the topic of End of Life Choices between Professors Peter Singer and Margaret Somerville. It is expected that this year’s conversation, on the topic of Religious Freedom, will be equally significant.
The Ruddock Inquiry: An insider’s view
On 18 May the Federal Government’s Inquiry into Religious Liberty under the Chairmanship of Philip Ruddock will present its report.
It is very timely that the University of Divinity’s Centre for Research in Religion and Social Policy (RASP) invites you to attend the second annual RASP Public Conversation on this significant topic on 1 June at Collins Street Baptist Church.
There will be questions from former ABC radio host John Cleary to the panel and the audience are invited to submit questions to the panel (via email to prior to, and during, the event.
Free entry – all welcome.
Fr Frank Brennan SJ AO (CEO, Catholic Social Services Australia)
Dr Sharon Rodrick (Researcher, Institute for Civil Society)
Revd Dr Robyn Whitaker (Lecturer, Trinity College Theological School)
Master of Ceremonies John Cleary (former ABC host)
Event Details
Date: Friday 1 June 2018, 6:30-8:30pm
Location: Collins Street Baptist Church
Address: 174 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
Cost: Free
Register: Online at Trybooking
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