The Whitehorse Interfaith Network will conduct an exploration of Migration and Faith, with a theme of “many ways to get there”.
Faith is a major lynchpin for those who migrate to Australia, as settlement and cultural issues can be confronting, disorienting and cause inner confusion. Faith plays a major role in that inner sense of purpose and connectedness, as well as having a purpose bonded with the hope which comes with new beginnings.
The Whitehorse Interfaith Network invites you to a free seminar on the topic of Migration and Faith.
Date: Sunday 21 July 2013 Time: 2.00-4.00pm
Location: Whitehorse Centre, Rear of 379 Whitehorse Rd, Nunawading (Melway 48G9)
Panel: Members of the Panel have settled in Australia from many parts of the world bringing with them their cultures that help to enrich ours. The panelists are Pari Sanyu (Christian), Najaf Mazari (Muslim) and Dilnaz Bilimoria (Zoroastrian). Hear about their experiences in coming to a foreign culture, their challenges and opportunities.
Refreshments provided following seminar
RSVP to Railey Orger: or ring (03) 9262 6443 during office hours