​Rome: 2018 Summer School in the Christian Sciences

The Pontificia Universita Urbaniana of Rome is organising an initiative for the summer of this year (2018). It is a Summer School in the Christian sciences open for university students or graduates who come from contexts of different religious traditions (non-Christian), aimed at providing a basic knowledge of the Christian culture. The courses provided are at a university level, given by lecturers of the same Pontificia Universita Urbaniana.

This Summer School will be held from July 2 to July 30, 2018 on the Campus of the University at Via Urbano VIII, 16, Rome. The Urbaniana University is pleased to offer these courses for free.


This Summer School will be held from July 2 to July 30, 2018 on the Campus of the University at Via Urbano VIII, 16, Rome.

The Urbaniana University is pleased to offer these courses for free, granting a scholarship that in addition to the lectures include, food and accommodation for the month of July in Rome. Travel expenses and extras are not included, and need to be borne by the students or institutions that wish to send their students.

In addition, these scholarships which are limited in number and aimed at students residing abroad, the Urbaniana is also willing to welcome foreign students who are already in Rome, for study or work, and are interested in taking part in the Summer School and do not need to be provided with food and accommodation.

Please find attached the program for the description of the courses and registration form for expression of interest.

If you are aware of persons who wish to acquire an authentic knowledge of Catholic religious thought and tradition, do not hesitate to let them know about our initiative or the University for further clarification and information.

Course Details

​2018 Summer School in the Christian Sciences
Location: Pontificia Universita Urbaniana, Rome, Italy
Date: July 2 to July 30 2018
Course is for university students or graduates from different religious traditions (non-Christian)
Information Form (First paragraph is Italian; remainder of document is English)
Enrolment Form




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