Dawn of Interspirituality Conference

Dawn of Interspirituality Conference extends invitation join inspiring spiritual leaders and seekers from around the world in building bridges of harmony, collaboration, and peace. The Dawn of Interspirituality Conference taking place near San Jose, Costa Rica this March 12-16, 2018.


Open to seekers of all faiths—this conference is for anyone who sincerely yearns for peace and harmony across the religions and cultures of the world, including those who identify as ‘spiritual but not religious.’

Costa Rica is a country at the center of the Americas that has no armed forces, a strong commitment to ecological sustainability, and is a magnificent tropical paradise.

Presenters include prominent interfaith leaders from the major world religions, including the senior leadership of the Instituto del Dialogo Interreligioso, co-founded with Pope Francis for peace and interfaith harmony across Latin America.

The Conference is a vibrant, participatory event and includes more than talking heads, with plenty of interaction, contemplative practice, rich dialogue, open space, and creative engagement. You are invited to:

  • Be inspired by leading spiritual and interfaith leaders from across the globe:
  • Discover remarkable breakthroughs where two or more faith traditions intersect;
  • Galvanize interfaith collaboration and interspiritual dialogue across the continents, with a special focus on Latin America;
  • Experience contemplative practices, prayer, and interfaith worship;
  • Explore the depths of the spiritual journey with earnest practitioners from across the religions;
  • Connect and Engage in experiential process, open space, and creative collaboration with spiritual leaders and seekers across traditions and continents.

will be held at Casa Siloé Retreat Center in the beautiful mountainous area near San José, just 40 minutes from the SJO airport.

Please feel free to visit our website www.dawnofinterspirituality.org. Enquiries via email samantha@grworld.org.




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