The 2013 International Dialogue Australasia Network Conference is designed to support teachers of RE, Philosophy and Ethics in their important and challenging task.
Contemporary Religious Education has a unique opportunity to:
- engage directly with students’ questions about ultimate meaning, value and purpose,
- introduce students to religious and secular philosophies as sources of wisdom and insight,
- equip students with the knowledge and skills to explore their own beliefs and values and those of others,
- critically grapple with and creatively respond to complex ethical issues.
As such, good RE has a special role in nurturing the General Capabilities prescribed by the Australian Curriculum, including Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical Behaviour, Intercultural Understanding and Personal & Social Capability.
The 2013 International Dialogue Australasia Network Conference is designed to support teachers of RE, Philosophy and Ethics in their important and challenging task. Outstanding educators and academics will explore and share examples of creative pedagogy, curriculum planning and teaching resources focusing on the relationship between the content of RE and Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical Behaviour, Intercultural Understanding and Personal & Social Capability.
Please note: Early Bird Registrations close 31 May 2013.
Final date for Registrations is 21 June 2013.
Seats at the Bradley Forum, Hawke Centre are limited – please do not leave wait too long to register!
- Christopher Gleeson SJ, Provincial Delegate for Education and Mission Formation
- Prof. Terence J. Lovat, Emeritus Professor, The University of Newcastle, Chair of Theology, Ethics & Education, Broken Bay Institute, Senior Research Fellow, University of Oxford
- Dr Nigel Fancourt, Department of Education, Oxford
- Jo Fargeant, Diocesan RE Advisor, Oxford
- Dr Leigh Burrows, Department of Education, Flinders University
- Dr Rod Pattendon, Chair of the Blake Prize for Religious Art
- Rev Richard Browning, Chaplain and Director of Community, Radford College, ACT
(Final Conference Programme and Speakers TBC)
We are delighted to be able to hold the 9th International DAN Conference in the Bradley Forum within The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre. This superbly designed building is located at the City West Campus of the The University of South Australia. UNiSA developed the Hawke Centre as a cornerstone of its commitment to engage with the community. Projecting a message to Think, Connect, Act, the Centre challenges Australians to consider ideas and develop solutions for a sustainable 21st Century society.
DAN gratefully acknowledges the support of the Hawke Centre in making the Bradley Forum and the Kerry Packer Civic Gallery available for our Conference.
Bradley Forum, UniSA City West campus, Hawke Building level 5, 50-55 North Terrace, Adelaide
Trams running between South Terrace and North Terrace are free at all times.
Parking close to the Campus may be found on Hindley Street or at the Adelaide Convention Centre. Other car parks are show on the linked map. Street parking is limited.
What: RE Conference
When: 8 – 10 July 2013
Where: Hawke Centre, 50-55 North Terrace, Adelaide
Cost: See Application form
Apply: Download the Form