Christian Research Australia has produced a record called Australia’s Religious Communities: Facts and Figures which examines the recent census and provides statistical information on 90 religious groups in Australia.
Australia’s Religious Communities: Facts and Figures provides statistical information on 90 religious groups in Australia. Using the 2011 Census and recent surveys, it describes the size of each group and the changes that have occurred over the years, the variation by capital city and state, the profile of age, and ethnic background and language.
It also describes the people who are active in religious activities in the various groups. This book is invaluable for leaders of religious groups, students of religion, and all who are interested in the changes that occurring in Australian society.
An essential reference on Australia’s religious groups with the latest information from the Australian 2011 Census. Church leaders and everyone interested in the changing profile of Australia’s profile will find this invaluable. This book describes the changing profile and participation in each religious group.
Find here:
- changing numbers – growth and decline,
- the impact of immigration – and what languages immigrants use,
- profile of age – and like trends in the future
- who is participating in worship … and who is not.
The book is available in PDF Version and Hardcopy Version.