The Garden City Mosque, Toowoomba, Queensland participated in the National Mosque Open Day program on Saturday, 29 October 2016. This was a nationwide event to invite members of the wider community to have a first hand look at the mosques in their neighbourhood and city, and find out more about the activities and rituals performed in the mosques.
National Open Mosque Day provided an opportunity for the Muslim community to meet and greet visitors of diverse culture and faith background. The national event was initiated and coordinated by the Lebanese Muslim Association. The Islamic Society of Toowoomba welcomed people of all faith and no faith of our community on the day to the mosque to share a cup of tea and get information about Islam and Muslims.
Guests and visitors took the opportunity to ask questions to the members of the Muslim community. Imam Abdul Kader make a presentation and responded to the questions from the audience. The Anglican Bishop Cameron Venerables, Federal Member of the Groom electorate, Dr John McVeigh, State Member of Toowoomba South, Mr David Janetzki, and Social Justice Officer, Dr Mark Copland were among the speakers.
This year there is special importance for the National Mosque Open Day due to inaccurate reporting in certain polls and non-representative conclusions drawn therefrom. The programs of the day started at 10:30am with welcoming of the guests and visitors and will continue until 4pm. However, the formal part of the program was held from 11am to 1pm.