Dances of Universal Peace will present “Wisdom of the Desert at The Community Church, Bridgewater, SA, on 16 July. The event will conclude with Sufi-Zikr Dance.
‘Abraham, along with Sarah and Hagar and their extended family were members of the Hebrew tribes who travelled with their animals and retainers(some 400 people in all) as semi-nomadic pastoralists between Mesopotamia and Egypt around 1800 BCE. Abraham as theleader of this tribal group was in the tradition of the Desert Wisdom Masters of the Middle East, who were later called Sufis’ (ArjunaBen-ZionWeiss)
Through the medium of the Dances of Universal Peace, Arjuna will accompany us on this journey, bringing together dances that honour the Abrahamic, Goddess and Indigenous traditions that preceeded them. Arjuna will weave a carpet through dance and associated practices, shining light on these beautiful traditions of the world, where we may find the key to unlocking their mystery and wisdom within ourselves.
Event Details
Program: ‘Wisdom of the Desert’ Dances of Universal Peace event
Date: Saturday 16th July 2016
Time: 10am start ~ continues through to the evening with conclusion of Sufi-Zikr dance
Location: 3 Anzac Ridge Rd Bridgewater SA (The Christian Community Church)
Cost: $90/$80conc/$70DUPA members (Includes lunch/morning and afternoon tea and dinner. )
Registration: by July 8th)
Bookings and More Information: to Amrita or 08 73243238
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