Happiness “is not an ‘app’ that you can download on your phones nor will the latest update help you become free and great in loving,” Pope Francis told thousands of teenagers. The Pope also surprised many teenagers by appearing in St Peter’s Square to hear the sacrament of reconciliation.
Youth from around the world flocked to Rome for a special Year of Mercy event for teens aged 13-16. The celebrations began April 23 with confessions in St. Peter’s Square, Catholic News Service reported.
The pope caught many off guard as he made an unannounced visit to the square. After greeting several people, he placed a purple stole over his shoulders and sat down, joining more than 150 priests offering the sacrament of reconciliation.
Celebrating Mass with the young people April 24, the pope told them true freedom is priceless and comes from making the courageous decision to do good and not from the mediocre belief that happiness can be easily obtained through worldly possessions and fashion.
A person’s happiness has “has no price and cannot be bought,” the pope told them during the Mass in St. Peter’s Square.
Bless Me Father:
Pope Francis has surprised young people this Saturday by appearing in St. Peter’s Square and listening to their confessions.
According to Vatican Radio, the Holy Father made this unexpected visit as many young people gathered in the Vatican Saturday, which marked the Jubilee for Teens, offering 13 to 16 year-olds from around the world the chance to reflect on the theme “Merciful like the Father.”
Several thousand of them traveled to Rome for the event and were in the Square when the Pope unexpectedly arrived to hear confessions, along with another 150 priests, beneath the colonnade in front of St. Peter’s Basilica.
While many enthusiastic, banner-waving young people were participating in the Sacrament of Reconciliation before making their way through the Holy Door, sixteen young teenagers were offered the sacrament of reconciliation head by Pope Francis.