Faith-based Solutions for the Pact for the Future and Beyond

Summit of the FutureFaith-based Solutions ImPACT Coalition – Summit of the Future Action Days Off-site Side Event is co-sponsored by UNEP and the UN Multi-faith Advisory Council. The subject of this coalition event is “Faith-based Solutions for the Pact for the Future and Beyond”. It will be held on 20 September 2024 | 9:30-11:00 am at the Hybrid, Church Center for the United Nations (777 UN Plaza) | 2nd Floor.


The ImPACT Coalition on Faith-based Solutions was launched during the Civil Society Conference at the UN Office in Nairobi on 10 May 2024. This coalition comprises faith and spiritual actors, including young people, advocating for the inclusion of faith-based language and common values across faiths in UN documents. Emphasizing universal principles such as peace, compassion, and human dignity, the coalition upholds human rights, human dignity, and human security. Core values include solidarity, trust, cooperation, compassion, transparency, humility, justice, and inclusivity.

Though the Rev 2 text of the Pact for the Future includes mentions which did not appear in Rev 1 regarding religion, in Chapters 1, 2, and 4. Regrettably, the references implicate that religions are a problem and not the solution.

As the text mentions, interreligious dialogue can strengthen social cohesion and contribute to sustainable development, but even further, interreligious dialogue in fact has the potential to contribute to peace as religion is often used as a catalyst for conflict. Additionally, faith actors are key partners for reaching the unreachable and for achieving sustainable development.
Their engagement has had considerable impact at local, regional, and national levels. There should be a deliberate consideration of their inclusion in international policy discussions.

About the side event

Faith actors, with their deep-rooted presence in communities and commitment to universal values of peace, compassion, and human dignity, are uniquely positioned to contribute to finding solutions to global challenges.

The event will present case studies and good practices by the UN system and civil society in engaging with faith leaders and actors. They wishare insights, experiences, and actionable strategies for achieving sustainable development and peace, and to advocate for the inclusion of faith language in UN processes.

Register for this event


Coalition Members

ACT Alliance -Action by Churches Together
Africa Faith Leaders Initiative on SDGs (AFLI)
African Council of Religious Leaders -Religions for Peace
Asia-Pacific Faith-BasedCoalition for Sustainable Development (APFC)
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University
Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa (CYNESA)
Children of the Earth
Committee of Religious NGOs (CRNGOs)
Committee on Spirituality, Values,and Global Concerns-NY (CSVGC-NY)
Faith to Action Network
Global One 2015
Interreligious Alliancefor the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Latter-day Saint Charities
Legion of Good Will
Lutheran World Federation (LWF)
New Women Connectors
PMU -Swedish Pentecostal Churches
Re-Imagining New Communities
Religions for Peace International
Soka Gakkai International
The Global Interfaith Network For People of All Sexes, Sexual Orientations, Gender Identities and Expressions (GIN SSOGIE)
The Network for Religious and TraditionalPeacemakers
Tzu Chi Foundation
UN Multi-faith Advisory Council
United Methodist Church-General Board of Church and Society
World Council of Churches
World EvangelicalAlliance
Global Family for Love and Peace


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