Nuclear Prayer Day

Nuclear Prayer Day

The World Council of Churches is inviting all people of goodwill to participate in the Nuclear Prayer Day, to be held 6 August. You may join more than 30 faith bodies in responding to nuclear threat and building world peace.

Together, people online from across the world will take a moment to remember the horrific loss of life in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and renew their spiritual commitment to see an end to the nuclear threat hanging over us and all life on the planet. Together, they will pray for a world free of nuclear weapons.

A live-streamed event, “Spiritual Power: Hope in Action for Nuclear Weapons Abolition,” is also being co-sponsored by 30 organizations involved in nuclear weapons abolition. The audience will hear from people who have been directly affected, longtime leaders for nuclear weapons abolition, and young inspiring activists—and have an opportunity talk with each other about where to find strength and what they can do to help.

Organizers are also encouraging churches and communities in participate in other ways, from sponsoring an awareness event to organizing additional prayers.

The World Council of Churches will also organize a morning prayer on 5 August. Disarmament activists from the Marshall Islands and Fiji will offer readings and insights.

The magnitude of death and destruction of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 made clear that nuclear weapons must never be used again.

Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons (a part of the United Religions Initiative) invites all individuals of good will and all organizations of concern to draw strength from each one’s deepest convictions and longings for a better future on Nuclear Prayer Day, August 6. A world united in moments of silence, in words spoken from the heart, and in a sure vision of a world beyond nuclear weapons – such moments will anchor and sustain our commitment as we work together to bring an end to the nuclear threat.

  • Help promote Nuclear Prayer Day to your networks and encourage them to pray (or offer mindful presence, bold intention) on August 6.
  • Organize your own Nuclear Prayer Day event on or around August 6. Invite people from your own practice or tradition and consider inviting a broader, multi-faith presence and participation.
  • Participate in Voices’ live program for Nuclear Prayer Day on August 6. This event will be streamed globally featuring ambassadors for peace calling through prayer and short presentations for our voices to be raised with renewed vigor and persistence for a nuclear weapons-free world.

Join the Nuclear Prayer Day Event


Nuclear Prayer Day


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Sponsors for Nuclear Prayer Day