Together for Humanity is an educational, not-for-profit organisation that works with school communities to combat prejudice, teaching students how to deal with differences. Together fro Humanity will conduct an event at NSW Parliament House on Wednesday 19 June. There will be a panel discussion, “Hope for Fractured Times”.
Together For Humanity is an inclusive, not-for-profit educational organisation that works with school communities to combat prejudice and advance belonging and inclusion.
Together For Humanity has teams in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland, and work in collaboration with our partner The Abraham Institute in South Australia.
They offer a range of student programs linked to the Australian Curriculum, Teacher Professional Learning and online learning for students and teachers.
Our efforts in pursuit of our mission are underpinned by a Vision of increased understanding, tolerance and acceptance between Australians with different beliefs and backgrounds.
The attitudes we adopt at school age can last a lifetime. Hatred and intolerance, or acceptance and respect are seeded early. Prejudice and hatred dividing people who differ on matters of faith or cultural origin are a threat to a harmonious Australia.
Together for Humanity works in Australian schools to foster tolerance through intercultural understanding. It is an organisation comprised predominantly of Christians, Muslims and Jews, but also includes others who believe in the importance of early intervention.
Together for Humanity’s teams deliver programs, predominantly, to students aged between 8 and 18. For some children Together for Humanity school sessions may be the first time in their lives they have met a Jew or a Muslim. Such encounters can be powerful.