Women Advancing Knowledge Equity: The Parliament of the World’s Religions

Women Advancing Knowledge Equity: The Parliament of the World’s ReligionsWomen Advancing Knowledge Equity: The Parliament of the World’s Religions is a collection of women who are noteworthy leaders and participants in the Parliament of the World’s Religion. This book is available as a free download or print version via Amazon.

Women Advancing Knowledge Equity: The Parliament of the World’s Religions is a collection of biographies about women who are noteworthy leaders and participants in The Parliament of the World’s Religions® but whose geographical location, economic status and occupational attentions obscure the significant influence and impact of their lives and work. This lack of coverage, fueled, at least in part, by an 18th-century definition of knowledge that privileges the scientific method, technological development, and masculine achievement even as it discounts knowledge and histories that are oral, embodied, and unpublished, leads to tremendous gaps in our knowledge about these women. These gendered gaps in knowledge create issues of gender parity on print and digital platforms where women, particularly women marginalized by race, economics, and geography are poorly represented. This volume challenges the norms and practices that create this lack of parity, with analytical biographies that create knowledge about these women and give us a sense of the women themselves, as knowledge creators.

Women Advancing Knowledge Equity: The Parliament of the World’s Religions is the third volume in the series Women in Religion, edited by Colleen Hartung.

The ATLA Women in Religion series was an outgrowth of the “Women in Religion Wiki Project,” an initiative to create, update, and improve Wikimedia content pertaining to the lives of cis-gender and trans-gender women who are notable as scholars, activists and practitioners in the world’s religious, spiritual and wisdom traditions. Volumes One and Two of the Women in Religion series, also edited by Colleen Hartung, were published by Atla Open Press and are copyrighted by the American Theological Library Association (Atla). These two volumes are available online in PDF and EPUB formats under a CC-BY-NC license and as print-on-demand copies at books.atla.com/atlapress/catalog/series/wir

This third volume is published independently by the Parliament of the World’s Religions® and is available online under a CC-BY-SA license and as print-on-demand copies via Amazon. This volume continues the initiative’s work of creating biographical sources about women in religion that challenge and explore biased conventions and principles that regulate print and digital content creation about women.

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Women Advancing Knowledge Equity: The Parliament of the World’s Religions


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