Religions for Peace Statement on the Israel-Hamas Conflict

Religions for Peace
Religions for Peace is horrified and deeply saddened by the tragic events that took place in Israel this weekend. Our heavy hearts and collective prayers go out to all those affected, especially those who have lost loved ones and those who remain captive. Peace and safety are fundamental human rights entitled to all, Israeli and Palestinian alike — no person should have to live in fear or flee for their safety.

10 October 2023, New York City:

Religions for Peace is horrified and deeply saddened by the tragic events that took place in Israel this weekend. Our heavy hearts and collective prayers go out to all those affected, especially those who have lost loved ones and those who remain captive. Peace and safety are fundamental human rights entitled to all, Israeli and Palestinian alike — no person should have to live in fear or flee for their safety.

Religions for Peace believes that peace is possible in the Holy Land, home for two peoples—Israelis and Palestinians—and holy for three religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. We are convinced that both political courage and honest multi-religious cooperation are essential for achieving it. Religions for Peace urges immediate action toward the complete cessation of violence and release of all civilians who have been taken into captivity, and we align with the United Nations World Food Programme in calling for the creation of humanitarian corridors to bring food into Gaza.

Further, Religions for Peace remains committed to building peace for people and the planet through multi-religious collaboration. We implore people to stand for peace and basic human rights. And, with deep sadness and conviction, we ask others to join us in praying for the peace and safety of all people in the region and beyond.


Religions for Peace Myanmar


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