Darwin Bishop Expresses His Support for a ‘Yes’ Vote in the Upcoming Referendum on the Voice

Darwin Bishop Charles GauchiDarwin Bishop Charles Gauchi has spoken on the important topic of the Voice and the referendum. This is an important matter that needs a lot of reflection. It needs a lot of soul-searching. Bishop Gauchi tells, ”For some time now, I have been convinced that I will cast a ‘Yes’ vote in the upcoming Referendum on the Voice“.

For some time now, I have been convinced that I will cast a ‘Yes’ vote in the upcoming Referendum on the Voice.

I am well aware that not everyone will share my perspective, and I wholeheartedly respect the right of others to hold differing opinions. I will never presume to dictate how you should vote; you must follow your own conscience and convictions. My decision has been reached after careful and prayerful reflection on the teachings of the Gospel.

It’s crucial to recognize that a ‘Yes’ vote will not resolve all issues at once. Instead, I view it as another vital step toward healing and reconciliation. It fundamentally signifies the inherent dignity of our First Nations people.

Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander brothers and sisters had no say in the colonisation of their land being declared terra nullius. They had no voice when their lands were taken from them, and many of their family and social structures deliberately destroyed in many instances. The Stolen Generations, where children were taken away, happened without their consent. They were insufficiently consulted on matters such as the intervention and various other issues. Today, significant disparities persist in many aspects of life between our First Nations people and the wider community.

Challenges like overcrowded housing, unemployment, lower life expectancy, health disparities, and various other disadvantages persist within their communities. While we embrace a multicultural society where we collectively work for the common good, we must also acknowledge that our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have an ancient and enduring presence in our nation’s fabric. Because of this, I believe they deserve a unique recognition of their rich and enduring cultural heritage within society.

Let me emphasise that I am not attempting to tell you how to vote. This is my personal viewpoint. I encourage you to carefully consider the multifaceted dimensions of this Referendum and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit in making this significant decision. Regardless of the outcome, I implore everyone to remain committed to working together for the greater good. My hope is that we can continue to collaborate, striving to enhance the lives and walk alongside our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander brothers and sisters.

Yours in Christ,
+ Charles Gauci
Bishop of Darwin and the NT


Support for the Voice


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