The Best of Times, The Worst of Times – Navigating Life at the Crossroads

Pax Christi LogoPax Christi presents Navigating Life at the Crossroads, a seven session combination of combines lectures, presentations by world experts in their respective fields, Q&A, debates, role play, small conversation groups, brainstorming sessions and skilling workshops from 26th April to June 7th 2022.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of darkness.” – Charles Dickens, Tale of Two Cities 1859

Conversation at the Crossroads presents an innovative series to stimulate, inform and upskill. It combines lectures, presentations by world experts in their respective fields, Q&A, debates, role play, small conversation groups, brainstorming sessions and skilling workshops.

Hosted by Professor Joseph Camilleri, the series comprises seven 3-hour sessions run on consecutive Tuesdays from 26th April to June 7th 2022.

Participants are strongly encouraged to enrol in the series as a whole, and so fully benefit from the program, which is designed to:

  • Make sense of the national and international challenges we face and how they connect at a time of unprecedented change.
  • See how these challenges relate to everyday life, in personal relations, study, work, and community engagement.
  • Explore the practical steps we can take – personally and collectively – towards a more promising future.
  • Acquire the skills that facilitate respectful, informed and productive conversation with people of diverse backgrounds.

We live in a world that is in chaos and we need to learn to navigate a clear pathway, to make sense of many inter-connected realities; we need to be exposed to different ways of looking at our world and being able to analyse the many challenges we are facing today. More importantly, we need to become skilled at having conversations with others that will lead to serious and effective social change.

This Course is not just another webinar series with good speakers. It is many-faceted and has been carefully planned to allow for much interaction among the participants. It does have outstanding presenters giving input, but it has more than this: It affords a real opportunity for participants to share their insights and experiences, and to extend their networking and influence. Here is a link to the website which contains details about the series:

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