The NSW Ecumenical Council will hold an Ecumenical event praying for peace in the world, especially for Ukraine and Ethiopia. This event will take place at St Demiana & St Athanasius Coptic Orthodox Church, Punchbowl, on Thursday 24 March 2022. This is a face-to-face event and will be live streamed.
Representative from the Ethiopian Orthodox Church (Tigray)
Representative Ukraine Catholic Church
General Secretary of National Council of Churches in Australia, Ms. Liz Stone
The event will be Live Streamed:
Via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 823 9104 6151
An Ecumenical event praying for peace in the world Bible Readings, Prayers, Reflections for Peace
For further information:
The Very Reverend Father Dr Shenouda Mansour,
General Secretary of the NSW Ecumenical Council
“Blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called sons of God”
(Matthew 5:9)
Please come and bring a friend RSVP here