“Multi-Religious Collaboration: The Tipping Point for Engendered Climate Change Policies” taking place as a hybrid event Tuesday, 15 March 2022 at 10:00 am EST. During a dynamic 90-minute moderated conversation Religions for Peace will highlight the nexus between faith, women and the environment and showcase experiences, expertise and examples of women leadership and their unique contribution in the space of protecting and nurturing the environment.
During a dynamic 90-minute moderated conversation Religions for Peace will highlight the nexus between faith, women and the environment and showcase experiences, expertise and examples of women leadership and their unique contribution in the space of protecting and nurturing the environment.
The Interfaith Rainforest Initiative, a unique initiative that brings the commitment, influence and moral authority of religions to efforts to protect the world’s rainforests and the indigenous peoples that serve as their guardians, will be showcased as one of the example for succesful multi-religious collaboration to end tropical deforestation and protect the environment.
For over five decades, Religions for Peace has worked on development, human rights, and peace and security through its Interreligious Councils in 90 countries. Its 2020-2025 Strategic Plan, aligned with the Agenda 2030, further emphasizes advancement of gender equality and nurturing of a sustainable environment as its priority areas.
For those attending in person the event will take place at the Church Center of the United Nations, 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017.
Time: Mar 15, 2022 10:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Bookings: online at Zoom