Virtual Documentation: Conference of the World Council of Religious Leaders on Faith and Diplomacy: Generations in Dialogue

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Religions for Peace in trustful partnership with the Lindau-based Foundation Ring for Peace, and with the support of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, hosted the international conference Generations in Dialogue on Faith and Diplomacy from 4-7 October 2021 in Lindau, Germany.

More than 1700 people from across the world participated online in the conference, while 130 delegates were able to convene in person in Lindau to discuss the topics of peace and security, environmental protection and humanitarian engagement as well as the role of diplomacy and religion. The diversity of participants from the public sector and civil society has provided inspiration and has proven the impact of the multi-religious and multi-stakeholder dialogue in improving mutual understanding and in identifying pathways for joint action in response to global challenges. Setting up a state-of-the-art hybrid format allowed for meaningful interaction in spite of the pandemic.

It’s our pleasure to share with you the digital documentation of the conference. We invite you to experience the individual formats, reflect the content, and immerse yourself in the special atmosphere of the conference on Generations in Dialogue in the context of Faith and Diplomacy.


Generations in Dialogue
Rabbi Sir David Rosen at the Generations in Dialogue conference


Generations in Dialogue
Participants at the Generations in Dialogue Conference


Participants at the Generations in Dialogue Conference
Participants at the Generations in Dialogue Conference