The Road to New Normal in Post COVID-19 Era:

Interfaith Coalition Conference for Global Citizens 2021The Road to New Normal in Post COVID-19 Era: Collective Intelligence for Global Civil Community will be held in South Korea and online 20-21 November 2021 (KST,GMT+9) by the Interfaith Coalition Conference for Global Citizens 2021. Global Citizenship is a pathway to truly global peace. Faith-based action can make a sustainable and equitable world. Religious teaching and enlightenment can cultivate mind for global peace.


Since the end of the Cold War, humanity has opened up a global era where the world is united across borders with the spread ofglobalization. For the last 30 years, the international community has enjoyed material enrichment through the establishment of a global supply chain based on mutual cooperation and trust, and we have expected that we could overcome the global crises that threaten human society and lead the infinite prosperity of human society through close coordination.

However, due to the global pandemic of the COVID19, the vulnerabilities of social structures hidden by the rapid development of material civilization and the loss of human inner values have been exposed to society, and the world has become more prevalent in spirit poverty and ignorance with the decline of morality. As a result, today’s peace faces global crises such as our security, livelihood and life-threatening climate, nuclear weapons, and the loss of humanity. In order to overcome these crises, it is important to restore perfect humanity with the restoration of morality through harmony between spiritual civilization and material civilization.

The leaders and intellectuals who have experienced international turmoil due to the outbreak of COVID-19, have begun to seriously consider the “future of humanity” and are putting the topic of “global citizens” as an important agenda for this purpose. In the human society before COVID-19, the global citizenship education was an option but now it should be a necessity.

To do this, the religious communities need to review the morality and ethics as an international standard to respond jointly and overcome the global crises on the earth according to the spirit of the times, and furthermore build the collective intelligence of global citizens who pursue the harmony of the material civilization and spiritual civilization in order to open the sustainable future of humanity.
Interfaith Coalition Conference for Global Citizens 2021


The Interfaith Coalition Conference for Global Citizens 2021 will be held in 20-21 November, 2021. The event will be co-organized by the Interfaith Coalition Conference for Global Citizens (ICCGC), Research Center of Religions at the WonKwang University, the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies (SBCS) and the Won-Buddhism UN Office.


The theme is that “The Road to New Normal in the Post COVID-19 Era: Collective Intelligence for Global Civil Society.”


Online Conference


Zoom Webinar


The ICCGC was launched according to the united religions movement that has been discussed since 1950s to the present. The conference is the collective intelligence and interfaith action coalition to build a global civil society. The event is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Republic of Korea and the United Religions Foundation.
Interfaith Coalition Conference for Global Citizens 2021
Co-organized by

The Interfaith Coalition Conference for Global Citizens
The Research Center for Religions, Wonkwang University
The Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies
The Won Buddhism UN Office


Dates: 20-21 November 2021 (KST,GMT+9)
Zoom Webinar
Registration: click here

Language: English-Korean (Day1)
Language: Japanese-Korean (Day2)

Event Schedule: Kindly download the attached for Event Schedule


Interfaith Coalition Conference for Global Citizens 2021


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