The international conferences of Religions for Peace and Ring for Peace, supported by the German Federal Foreign Office, are establishing themselves: locally in Lindau and programmatically on the highest diplomatic level. The list of speakers taking part in the “Conference of the World Council of Religious Leaders on Faith and Diplomacy: Generations in Dialogue” confirms this.
Over 50 speakers are on the program who will address peace and security policy, protection of the environment and humanitarianism over the four days of the conference. Whether Gilles Carbonnier, Vice President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), or Helga Maria Schmid, Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), whether Jeffrey Sachs, President of the UN’s Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), or Ursula Müller, Assistant Secretary General at the Office for Humanitarian Affairs and highest-ranking German employee at the United Nations – the list is as extensive as it is diverse.
They all meet in Lindau the numerous and influential religious leaders of the World Council of Religions for Peace, which convenes there for its plenary session. Two worlds meet to think, discuss and seek solutions together – for example, in the 14 parallel “Diplomacy Roundtables”. These are closed to the public and have limited seating.
Their titles are, for example, “Demographic Dynamics, Religions and Politics” or “No more Religious Troubles in Northern Ireland?” The roundtables are each moderated by a diplomat together with a religious representative. These 14 Diplomacy Roundtables are the central nervous system of the conference program, as the title promises: Faith and Diplomacy.
One of the program highlights will certainly take place on Wednesday, the third day of the conference: the debate. In a contest of arguments, two groups of young people will compete rhetorically to debate the following topic: “Religions are uniquely helpful in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic – true or false?” We promise: The repartee will be thrilling: intellectually and emotionally.
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