“As people of faith, we need to know, in detail, how our Federal Government and Opposition will respond to this Report with appropriate policies and budgeting” says Bishop Philip Huggins, President of National Council of Churches in Australia and Patron of Australian Religious Response to Climate Change.
“As people of faith, we need to know, in detail, how our Federal Government and Opposition will respond to this Report with appropriate policies and budgeting” says Bishop Philip Huggins, President of National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) and Patron of Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC).
“Ahead of the next election, relatedly, we need to know what will be the Nationally Determined Contribution the Federal Government will take to the crucial UNCOP 26 meeting, beginning October 31 and what the Opposition‘s Nationally Determined Contribution would be were they the Government of Australia” Bishop Huggins requests.
“The IPCC Report makes plain that this COP must not fail to deliver the Paris Agreement. It must, via the combined Nationally Determined Contribution ’s of nations who are parties to this Agreement, ensure we contain the rise in global temperatures to 1.5 degrees.
“That’s what the scientists make plain in the IPCC Report. That’s what we need from our political leaders.
“Today we are writing to the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition to seek their detailed responses to the IPCC Report” Bishop Huggins says.
Bishop Philip Huggins, President, National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) M: 0418799515
Ms Thea Ormerod, President, Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC) M: 0405 293 466