Interfidei invites you to their 30th Anniversary event, the Second Webinar Series “Sharing Interfaith Experiences” with the Indonesia Interfaith Network. Simultaneous Indonesian/English interpreters will be provided. This webinar will be held on Thursday, 17 June 2021 at 19:00 hrs Indonesian time.
Webinar Invitation
We hope this invitation finds you in good health and good spirits. After holding the First Webinar Series, now Interfidei invites you all in the 30th Anniversary on the Second Webinar Series.
This webinar will discuss Sharing experiences and critical reflections with FRIENDS FROM THE INDONESIAN INTERFAITH NETWORK (JAII). What are some valuable lessons in facing and responding to the “present” leading to a shared, positive future for peace in Indonesia?
For Institute DIAN/Interfidei, working with Networks at the local and national levels in Indonesia, Asia-Pacific, and internationally is very important. It is crucial because from and within the networked “togetherness”, there is a “power” for good and positive change. The encounters, dialogues, mutual learning and cooperation, strengthening one another are very important among various stakeholders in our society and nation.
During these 30 years, Interfidei always has and will continue to strive to open the “door” for encounters, dialogues, mutual learning and cooperation among various background of people and communities in Indonesia to create a peaceful and civilised Indonesia.
Our Fifteen (15) friends will share their experiences and critical reflections in their capacity as interfaith activists, lecturers and policy makers, especially concerning democracy, freedom of religion and belief, human rights, ecology, environment, gender justice, interfaith education and humanity. There will be 2 (two) key responders. The whole process will be in the form of a talk show.
This second webinar will hold on:
Thursday, 17 June 2021
19.00 – 21.30 WIB
Via Zoom App (Will be send via e-mail)
To receive the zoom link, please register here: