The Secretary General of Religions for Peace International issues a statement calling for violence against civilians in Gaza and in Jerusalem to cease and come to a halt. Cycles of violence produce no productive nor sustained solutions. “Violence Against Civilians in Gaza and Jerusalem is … Failed Leadership”.
The violence against civilians in Gaza and in Jerusalem must stop. Violence breeds more violence, increases human suffering, and delays the long, hard work of building a just peace. This violence is – further and deadly – evidence of failed leadership, in every sense.
Religions for Peace believes that peace can be achieved only by honoring the rights of each, and both, of the Palestinians and the Israelis; facilitating painful but honorable compromises through sustained dialogue; and engaging the moral convictions shared by Jews, Christians, and Muslims, who know the Holy Land to be their common home.
Neither the suffering of so many innocent Palestinians nor the attacks targeting innocent Israelis can be justified. These acts fuel cycles of violence and produce no productive nor sustainable solutions.
Jews, Christians, and Muslims, supported by the goodwill of believers of all faiths, must unite in the calls and efforts to build peace. Religions for Peace knows from it’s half a century of multi-religious peace building efforts, that real security is shared security.
There will be no peace for anyone, unless there is peace and security for each and all, in the Holy Land.
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