Tasmania – April 2021

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Greetings of Peace! Many good wishes to everyone for this very rich time of blessings for many faith traditions … but isn’t every season a rich time of blessings?

However, every thought of peace is needed, as a number of the links below show there is growing evidence of hatred against some faiths. So it’s very important that understanding and solidarity are strengthened as we go forward.

Greetings of Peace!

Our event this month is to join with the first online commemoration of Yom HaShoah (Holocaust) to be held on Wednesday 7 April 2021, 7.30pm Triumph of Survival, but we will need to register.  The details are below.

What faiths always provide even in the most difficult circumstances is spiritual hope and the instruction to love one another, as we can see from the following video created in Victoria: Unity in Diversity – Scriptures – YouTube

Holy Days in April 2021

Date Event Faith/religion
2 April Good Friday Christianity
4 April Easter Day Christianity
4 April Pesach concludes Judaism
7-8 April Yom Hashoah Judaism
13 April Ramadan Islam
14 April Vaisakhi Sikhism
20 April Ridvan Baha’i
29 March Hola Mohallah Sikhism
21 April Rama Navami Hinduism
25 April Palm Sunday Orthodox Christianity
27 April Theravadan New Year Buddhism
1 May Beltane Gaelic May Day, Wicca
2 May Easter Sunday Orthodox Christianity
2 May Lailat al Qadr  Islam

St David’s Cathedral

Crown of Thorns Oratorio – Good Friday 3.30 & 6.30pm St David’s Cathedral

The Tasmanian premiere of Charles’ Packer’s Crown of Thorns will be performed on Good Friday in St. David’s Cathedral. Choral Productions Tasmania Inc, under the direction of conductor Margot Lampkin OAM, will lead a 60-voice choir with soloists Quin Thomson, Helena Markovitch, Brett Budgeon, Christopher Bryg and Michael Lampard. 

Charles Packer was an accomplished musician who was transported to Tasmania as a convict in 1839 and released shortly after. His oratorio uses the Biblical text relating to the crucifixion of Jesus set to strong and expressive nineteenth century music. It was performed regularly in Sydney up till 1936 but this will be the first time in Tasmania.

Two performances will be at 3.30 and 6.30pm. Tickets $35 and $30 concession, register at www.trybooking.com/BOHCN and from Whitey’s Shearing Shed, Kingston, and the Lindisfarne Post Office and Bellerive Newsagency. The Cathedral has limited seating due to social distancing, so early purchase is recommended.

Dances of Universal Peace

You are invited to join the gathering on Good Friday. The Lord’s Prayer (in Aramaic) will be shared.

Topic: Good Friday Aramaic Lords Prayer

Time: Friday Apr 2, 2021 03:00 pm Hobart, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

Each line will be presented by a different Dance Leader from around Australia…a real communal offering!

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 871 8699 9226
Passcode: 834484

Soul Food

On Sunday 4 April from 3.00pm: “Daystars of Divine Guidance” with readings and quotes dedicated to the progressive books of God’s Revelations. Through this guidance we see the development of human society progressively working towards a better world which has always been and will continue to be one of the most universally cherished aspiration of humankind.  

Soul Food is a unique, monthly event featuring live music, audio-visual pieces and readings from faiths and philosophers, authors, leaders and indigenous cultures from all around the world specially chosen to inspire us towards understanding and unity of nations, commencing in our homes, our Communities, States and Countries. 

Hosted in the tranquil ambience of the Bahá’í Centre of Learning, (Behind A.B.C. building) 1 Tasman Highway, providing an opportunity to be inspired, uplifted and to celebrate our humanity and oneness in a spirit of friendship and unity. This pleasant meditative afternoon is a free Community inspired event and welcomes all.                            

For  more information call Val 0404 080 768 or Baha’i Centre  6234 7654

Hobart Buddhist Meditation Centre

Tuesday evening meditation In April:
We are continuing our study of the “Lam Rim” or Graduated Path to Enlightenment. During April we will have different leaders offering several topics:

6th. Maria will be talking about the teachings, why it’s important to listen, how to listen and learn, and why you should care. The teachings are precious and have been handed down and refined over many generations.

13th. Tony Were will be talking more specifically about meditation. There are many misconceptions about what meditation is. We will discuss these so that we can meditate better, without misunderstandings.

20th. Tony Dix will talk about how mindfulness of death and an understanding of impermanence is a crucial understanding which we need in our lives.

27th. Emilia will be talking about refuge: The Buddha is our teacher. The Dharma is the teaching. The Sangha is the community of like-minded people. In our stormy lives we have a secure refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha.

We encourage you to come along to meet with us face to face for these sessions if you can. They will run from 6.30 pm. at the Golden Room, Kickstart Arts, St Johns Park, which is Covid safe, wheelchair accessible and ground level. Please bring your own cushion, however chairs are provided. Alternatively, you can attend via Zoom using the link below.

Zoom Meeting Time: 6.30 pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 937 472 284


Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Memorial Day

Online Jewish Day of commemoration of Yom HaShoah (Holocaust) 7 April 2021 Wednesday, 7 April 2021,7.30pm Triumph of Survival

Six Survivors speaking of their Triumph of Survival, with their families in Melbourne
Participation by Melbourne Jewish Students
Matan Franco musical ensemble
Lighting of the symbolic six memorial candles
Rabbi Phillip Heilbrunn OAM reciting Kaddish
The Song of the Partisans by Students of Sholem Aleichem College  Booking required:  http://bit.ly/jccv-yh2021

In connection with this: Educate against Hate: Virtual Tour of the Jewish Holocaust Centre:  https://www.jhc.org.au/

Parliament of the World’s Religions:

The 8th Parliament of the World’s Religions, hosted for the first time virtually in 2021, will bring together people of faith from around the world in an instant. The virtual Parliament is a safe way to gather the world’s global interfaith movement and celebrate the enduring spirit and work of religious and spiritual communities striving toward a more just, peaceful and sustainable world.

When: October 17th -18th, 2021
Where: Virtually everywhere around the world
Enjoy access to our lowest rates by taking advantage of the Super Saver Rate, only available until May 31st. 
Register for the Super Saver Rate (USD $50.00)  here: https://parliamentofreligions.org/parliament/2021-virtual

Have questions about the 2021 Parliament of the World’s Religions? Connect with our team today at info@parliamentofreligions.org

Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) – Quaker Action in the run-up to COP26

For your interest, from Quakers’ United Nations Office, news of some events which you may wish to support in the lead up to the next United Nations Climate Change Conference in Scotland. This conference will be called COP26 Glasgow

Protecting God’s Creation:  Join Quakers around the world in climate action
The Friends World Committee for Consultation has compiled a list of practical ways Friends worldwide can support climate action in the run up to, during, and beyond the UN climate talks COP26. Visit their website and follow the links to find out more on ways to be involved.  More information can be found in the Spiritual, Lifestyle and Community section of the Resource Hub.

Protecting God’s Creation is a recently launched joint project between the Friends World Committee for Consultation and Britain’s Yearly Meeting where Quakers around the world correspond as pen pals about the climate. The aim is to share experiences of the climate emergency and help strengthen Quakers’ calls for climate justice in run up to and beyond the COP26. For more information and to sign up, please click here

World Health Organisation + Religions for Peace Promote Vaccine Equity

Religions for Peace senior religious leaders concluded a High-Level Dialogue with the Director-General of the World Health Organisation, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and his team, in Geneva, today.
Religions for Peace’s leaders, representing all faiths and religious institutions from across the world, shared their concerns and their commitments to continue to work together to support WHO’s efforts around the world, particularly around vaccine equity.

Religions for Peace senior religious leaders concluded a High-Level Dialogue with the Director-General of the World Health Organisation, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and his team, in Geneva, today.

Religions for Peace’s leaders, representing all faiths and religious institutions from across the world, shared their concerns and their commitments to continue to work together to support WHO’s efforts around the world, particularly around vaccine equity.

Among the many critical interventions made by Religions for Peace’s global leaders, were the following:

  • Stressed that the pandemic highlighted the intersectionality and interdependence between the health of planet and environment, the values driving institutions and individuals alike; and the fundamental interlinked inequities faced;
  • Noted the value of multi-religious and multi-stakeholder collaboration in the face of the pandemic as tipping points to the success of the mass vaccination efforts required for the safety of one and all;
  • Highlighted their respective efforts to bridge the gaps between science and faith and to serve many communities, especially the most vulnerable;
  • Decried detractors of vaccination efforts within faith communities; and urged WHO to address more deliberately some of the fear-mongering created by detractors;
  • Emphasized the necessity of addressing mental health and trauma, as well as the specific vulnerabilities of migrant and refugee needs, children’s health, and women’s added burdens;
  • Pointed to the need to take into account the speed of vaccine equity itself as an imperative.

Read more here

Islam and the Vaccine:

Islamic leaders urge Muslims to take the COVID vaccine

Pope Francis has told Catholics around the world they should take the vaccine for COVID-19. Now Islamic leaders are urging Muslims to do the same. The Australian National Imams Council says the vaccine is halal or permissible according to Islamic teaching.

For doctors working with Muslim communities, the statement is a major boost. Shumaila Panhwar is a GP in Melbourne’s northern suburbs and an executive member of the group Muslim Health Professionals Australia.

Listen to this interview on – The Religion and Ethics Report – ABC Radio National

Sacred People – Sacred Earth

On March 11, all over the world – and in many places in Australia – people took action to proclaim our Earth is a Sacred Earth, and we must care for the Earth – as people of faith. If we fail to care for the Earth, then we fail ourselves, our community, our society, our nation, our Earth. To be people of faith in Ausrtralia is to be multifaith, and multifaith Australia cares for our Earth and proclaims: This is a Sacred Earth.

You can read coverage of events in Australia, here.

You can read coverage of Greenfaith International and the Multifaith Association of South Australia: Greenfaith International Wrap Up Video for Sacred People, Sacred Earth

Footage of various other South Australia #Faiths4Climate events will be online soon, gradually accumulating here. PS Our SA Parliament House steps action made it into the Global wrap-up video – see 1min.43sec into this amazing roundup.
Read SBS coverage of this event: More than 100 Australian faith groups have teamed up to demand greater action on climate change (sbs.com.au)

News Links

Myanmar Nun begs Military to kill her instead of protesters:

Over 400 Evangelical Leaders Condemn ‘Heresy of Christian Nationalism’ After Capitol Attack (msn.com)

Delhi Muslims fear they will never see justice for religious riot atrocities (msn.com)

The Pope Met a Different Kind of Ayatollah—As a Shiite Muslim I am Hopeful | Opinion (msn.com)

Multilingual handbook on sexual violence and consent teaching women about rights in Australia (msn.com)

Selfless Hindus and Sikhs go above and beyond to help flood victims (msn.com)

A Quaker and a Methodist Minister try to smash up some fighter jets:

US neo-Nazi group recruits young Australians, secret recordings reveal

How do faithless people like me make sense of this past year of Covid? (msn.com)


In peace,
Convenor RfP Tasmania Branch
Vice Chair, Religions for Peace Australia
Phone 6272 6521