Korean Conference of Religions for Peace supports Myanmar Freedoms

Korean Conference of Religions for PeaceThe Korean Conference of Religions for Peace Supports the People’s Protest in Myanmar. The Korean Conference of Religions for Peace is deeply in pain as the Myanmarese protest for democracy. We will pray and act for the situation to be quickly resolved and democracy restored in Myanmar. We will be in solidarity with the religious people in Asia and the world to protect the Myanmarese.

In the End, the People of Myanmar Will Win!

The Korean Conference of Religions for Peace Supports the People’s Protest in Myanmar!

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar is a democratic republic. It is a democratic republic founded by the people of Myanmar, a republic where various ethnic groups coexist. It is a republic where the people elect their government according to democratic procedures and head for the future. The military junta that ignored the result of a democratic election is merely an insurgent group and does not have a single legal right to rule the Myanmarese and conduct military actions against them.

Eager to overcome a desperate past that began with their immoral subjugation by a great power, the Myanmarese established a democratic government, but the military insurgents are once again killing people, disrespecting the democratic will of the Myanmarese. In 1962 and 1988, the military junta trampled on the people who demanded reform, including open relations with the rest of the world and democratization. Once again, in 2021, the military insurgents have staged a third coup-d’état and are slaughtering people. We, the leaders of the Korean Conference of Religions for Peace, strongly denounce this retrogression of history and the military junta’s crimes against humanity.

We are deeply in pain as the Myanmarese protest for democracy. Their courage and determination as they risk their lives for democracy remind us of the Gwangju Democratic Uprising 40 years ago like a nightmare. The May 18 Democratic Uprising became the foundation of democracy in Korea, and we are confident that the Myanmarese will win. However, our hearts are broken when we witness the suffering of mothers, teachers, and innocent and ordinary citizens who cannot stop their children, students, and friends from taking to the bloody streets where bullets fly.

We demand the military junta put down their weapons and atone for their wrongdoings. We demand that the international community refrain from counting profit and loss and find a way to resolve this difficult situation as soon as possible. We will pray and act for the situation to be quickly resolved and democracy restored in Myanmar. We will be in solidarity with the religious people in Asia and the world to protect the Myanmarese.

The Myanmarese will win. As Myanmar is a democratic republic, no one can defeat the Myanmarese aspiration for democracy. Our dear Myanmarese, we support you! We will not forget the blood you shed for your fight for democracy! Deep down in our hearts, we will always be with you. Your courage will change Myanmar and the world.

March 15, 2021
The Korean Conference of Religions for Peace

President (Buddhism) Most Ven. Wonhaeng
President, Administration of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism

Co-President (Protestant Church) Rev. Lee Hong Jung
Secretary-General, National Council of Churches in Korea

Co-President (Won-Buddhism) Rev. Oh Do Chul
Director-General, Administration of Won-Buddhism

Co-President (Confucianism) Dr. Son Jin-woo
President, Sung Kyun Kwan

Co-President (Chondogyo) Mr. Song Beom-du
Supreme Leader, Chondogyo

Co-President (Catholic Church) Most Rev. Kim Hee-joong
President, Committee for Promoting Christian Unity & Interreligious Dialogue

Co-President (Association for Korean Native Religions) Mr. Lee Beom-chang
President, The Association for Korean Native Religions

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