You are invited to Interfaith Matters at Hope’s Cafe (cnr Norwood Pde and Portrush Road) on 24 March 5.45 for 6 pm – 8 / 8.30. The theme is the art of abandoning/letting go; something central to many religions and spiritual practices.
In the Interfaith Forum we have discovered and discussed a variety of religions, delighting in finding the ways many notions of spiritual and religious expressions complement each other.
On 24 March we will do this by playing with the art of abandoning/letting go; something central to many religions and spiritual practices.
Together we will explore some practices around abandoning, letting go, and giving things up.
We will follow our usual format: (discuss and hear general thoughts on topic at 6pm after recognition of country, eat together at 6.30 pm, Interactive topic sharing 7-8 ish)
So, we will begin with some thoughts and sharing around abandoning (if you have a story, picture or symbol from your practice that you would like to bring and share, please do).
We will eat together.
We will share around tables our own explorations and bath practices around abandoning and letting go.
We will finish with a symbolic act to help us in our own abandoning and letting go.
Interfaith Forum: 24 March:
Focus: The art, the challenge, the agony and the joy in exploring the art of abandoning something, Presenter: Paul Turley
Date and time: 24 March, 5.45 for 6 pm
Welcome to invite others 😊 RSVP by 21 March to assist our chef in catering for all.
Venue: Hope’s Café (corner of Norwood Parade and Portrush road). Dinner $10 – 15 per person and gold coin donation towards Hope’s cafe for hospitality. Please RSVP by 25 November to Liellie at 0437794410. Liellie will act as host/ facilitator