On 11 March 2021 people of faith and conscience all around the world are kicking off organizing for the biggest-ever faith-climate day of action, all at the grassroots. Events have been organised in Australia – you may join. Damaging the climate and damaging Mother Earth is against everyone’s religion.
On 11 March, people of faith and conscience all around the world are rising together for the biggest-ever faith-climate day of action, all at the grassroots. Join us! SacredPeopleSacredEarth.org #SacredPeopleSacredEarth #Faiths4Climate
As people of faith, we know we cannot afford to wait for governments and financial institutions to act first to take on the climate crisis. Sign up to join or host a #SacredPeopleSacredEarth event on March 11: SacredPeopleSacredEarth.org #Faiths4Climate
The global climate emergency requires a global, multi-faith response. On March 11, people of diverse religions are coming together in a bold new way to work for climate justice. Sign up to join or host a #SacredPeopleSacredEarth event: SacredPeopleSacredEarth.org #Faiths4Climate
A better world is possible. We won’t stop until we create it together! Join diverse, grassroots people of faith and conscience around the world on March 11. Sign up to attend or host a #SacredPeopleSacredEarth event: SacredPeopleSacredEarth.org #Faiths4Climate
Grassroots faith activists are calling for climate justice! On March 11, we’re gathering in small, socially-distanced groups or virtually to activate our shared moral power. Sign up to organize or join a #SacredPeopleSacredEarth event on March 11: SacredPeopleSacredEarth.org
The world urgently needs a compassionate, just response to COVID-19 and climate change. Join the largest faith-climate global day of action. Sign up to organize or attend a #SacredPeopleSacredEarth event on March 11: SacredPeopleSacredEarth.org #Faiths4Climate
On March 11, people of faith and conscience all around the world are joining the biggest-ever faith-climate day of action, all at the grassroots. Sign up to organize or attend a #SacredPeopleSacredEarth event: SacredPeopleSacredEarth.org #Faiths4Climate