Human Rights Week 2020

Human Rights Week 2020

In 2020 Human Rights Week will be a virtual program of human rights related events and activities, beginning on Thursday 3 December and ending on Thursday 10 December – International Human Rights Day.

Anyone can participate in Human Rights Week.

During this week, organisations, community groups and individuals across Victoria may host a virtual morning tea or lunch for their staff, a picnic in a park, others might have a film screening or invite a guest speaker, and some could host a workshop or training session to help their staff build their understanding of human rights.

The theme for Human Rights Week 2020 is ‘Rights in recovery’.

Human Rights Week 2020 (3 to 10 December 2020) is just around the corner and you’re invited to get involved in a virtual program of human rights related events and activities.

The theme this year is Rights in Recovery. Between the bushfires and COVID-19, 2020 has placed Victorians in unfamiliar environments and extreme circumstances raising public consciousness and discussion of human rights. Human Rights Week this year is an opportunity for Victorians to reflect on the lessons from the 2020 and explore how a human rights led recovery could help us create a more equal, sustainable and resilient future.

Apart from the numerous activities in the event calendar, the three major events during Human Rights Week are:

  • Equality Talks: Part 1 – First principles
  • Equality Talks: Part 2 – New frontiers
  • Human Rights Oration 2020: In conversation with Julia Gillard AC

Human Rights Week, Equality Talks: Parts 1 and 2, and the Human Rights Oration will be presented by the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission in partnership with RMIT Social Innovation Hub and RMIT University.

These events will be delivered via Zoom. Live captions and Auslan interpreters will be provided.

Equality Talks - First Principles

Equality Talks: Part 1 – First principles

Date: Thursday 3 December 2020
Time: 12.30pm to 1.45pm

In First Principles five speakers will deliver short talks on the ways our human rights frameworks can help get the balance right between rights and responsibilities, and support a robust democracy.

Our speakers:

Roj Amedi –  Community organiser and strategistLuke Cornelius – Assistant Commissioner, Victoria PoliceTom Daley –  Deputy Director of the Melbourne School of GovernmentStan Winford – Assoc. Director, Research, Innovation & Reform, Centre for Innovative JusticeNerita Waight –  CEO, Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service

For more information and to register please visit Equality Talks: Part 1 – First principles

Equality Talks - New Frontiers

Equality Talks: Part 2 – New frontiers

Date: Tuesday 8 December 2020
Time: 12.30pm to 1.45pm

In New frontiers we bring together five diverse leaders and thinkers to present short talks on their take on new and emerging human rights issues and how we should respond.

Our speakers:

Indi Clarke – Executive Officer, Koori Youth CouncilSandro Demaio – Chief Executive Officer, Vic Health Vishaal Kishore  – Director, RMIT Health Transformation LabLyn Morgain – Chief Executive Officer,  Oxfam Australia Lizzie O’Shea – Chair, Digital Rights WatchEdie Shepherd – Youth worker and community organiser, Original Power

For more information and to register please visit Equality Talks: Part 2 – New frontiers

Human Rights Oration 2020 - Julia Gillard

Human Rights Oration 2020: In conversation with Julia Gillard AC

Date: Thursday 10 December 2020
Time: 12.30pm to 1.45pm

Join us for this milestone oration as we host former Prime Minister and current Chair of Beyond Blue, The Hon. Julia Gillard AC, who will reflect on the impacts of the year that was and discuss how we can use this moment of disruption to build a more a more connected, resilient and equal society.

This year’s Oration will be the 20th in our series. Martin Bean, Vice-Chancellor of RMIT University, will provide a special address and facilitate the Q&A session.

For more information and to register please visit Human Rights Oration 2020
This event is free, but you must register to attend.


Human Rights Week 2020 - Rights in Recovery


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