Queensland: ICQ responds to attacks: Paris, Kabul and Beirut

Queensland Responds to Paris attacks The Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ) extends its condolences to the victims of the mindless violence perpetrated on innocent people in Paris. We would like to express our sympathy to all the victims of terrorism across the world including the victims of attacks in Kabul and Beirut.

As a peak body of Muslims in Queensland, ICQ urges the community to respond to these horrific incidents with solidarity, unity and strength. Terrorism does not discriminate against its victims and neither should we in responding to such horrific acts of violence. The only way to defeat this divisive ideology is through courage, unity and solidarity.

Those who use such incidents to create further divisions are inadvertently helping the extremist cause. Religious fanatism and divisive extremism are our common enemy. The Muslim community of Queensland along with members of the wider community stand united against all those who try to cause division and strife.

ICQ president Mr. Ismail Cajee said, “Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of all the terrorist attacks. He further states that “unity is the only way to defeat terrorism”.

Council of Imams QLD

The Council of Imams QLD (CIQ) Islamic mourns the unacceptable loss of innocent lives in today’s attacks in Paris. As Muslims, we reaffirm our belief, as emphasized in the Quran, that whoever kills one life, it is as if they have killed all of humanity, and whoever saves even one life, it is as if they have saved all of humanity (Chapter 5: Verse 32).

“This tragedy has touched the world,” said Imam Yusuf Peer, CIQ president. “We call on Muslims in Paris and all across France to step forward and assist in all efforts to help the injured, find the missing, and comfort those suffering from shock and pain.”

CIQ is distressed to learn that the politically-motivated extremists claiming responsibility for the attack are justifying their deeds in the name of Islam when nothing could be further from the truth about the true teachings of Islam.

Islam condemns all forms of barbarity, murder, and attacks on innocent people. Muslims, scholars and laypersons the world over have, do, and will continue to condemn these and any extremists that use Islam to justify their actions, which, under Islamic laws and teachings, would be punished strictly in a court of law.

We call for peace, healing, and justice for the victims, as well as an end to violence against the innocent in any and every part of the world.

We pray for light, guidance, and hope at this time of great darkness.