QLD: Toowoomba models peace and harmony

The Queensland Synod Interfaith Relationships Committee and the Pureland Buddhist Centre joined forces in Toowoomba at the Middle Ridge Uniting Church to present the work of two organisations working to enrich their communities.

More than 50 people from a wide range of faiths – Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Muslim and Baha’i – gathered alongside community groups including police and representatives from Toowoomba Regional Council on 28 July.

Moderator of the Queensland Synod Rev David Baker and Lead Organiser of the Queensland Community Alliance Mr Dave Copeman spoke about the work of the Alliance, a coalition of faith groups and community organisations working to build a better community through shared projects such as public safety and transport.

Director of the Toowoomba Multifaith Multicultural Centre, Mr Haniff Razak spoke of the work of the Goodwill Committee of Toowoomba. The committee includes faith and community leaders, and is a project of the Multi-Faith and Multicultural Centre run by Pure Land Learning College.

Universally respected Buddhist leader Venerable Master Chin Kung founded the Pure Land Learning College in Toowoomba with his dream to make Toowoomba a model city of peace and harmony.

The Centre has supported countless multicultural and interfaith events, workshops and forums in the past decade and hosts weekly Friendship Dinners bringing together people of diverse traditions and cultures.

Participants listened and shared stories of what can be achieved when people are empowered to work together to address issues specific to their community. The event built on the bridges of friendship which are essential for peace and harmony.

As Christians involved in this journey, the Queensland Synod Interfaith Relationships Committee members add our voices to dream with a loud “Amen, Amen!”

A DVD of the event will be produced. To obtain a copy, contact Queensland Synod Interfaith Relationships committee via Heather Griffin on email: hgriffin@internode.on.net