Nepal: Advancing on-the-ground Joint Multi-Religious Relief Efforts

In Nepal after the 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck, killed over five-thousand people; injured more than eleven thousand; and left 1.4 million in need of food assistance, the Religions for Peace family on its different levels: Religions for Peace International, Religions for Peace Asia and Religions for Peace Nepal began to work as a single team to implement multi religious efforts to help those in need on the ground in Nepal.

In the short term, Religions for Peace International provided funding to Religions for Peace Nepal to procure critical supplies most needed by survivors. In addition, Ms. Deepika Singh, [Religions for Peace International Director of Programs] a Nepal citizen, returned to her home to assist Religions for Peace Nepal in its implementation of an emergency relief plan for survivors.

RfP Nepal is taking a three-pronged approach to support the people and communities most affected by the earthquake – immediate emergency relief, advocacy, and coordination/sharing of information among the religious communities. Read More

In the long term, H.E. Dr. Kul Gautam, Former Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations, [International Trustee of Religions for Peace] who has extensive experience in humanitarian assistance and is advising Religions for Peace Nepal, remarked during his 8 May visit to the Religions for Peace Secretariat that “The religions of Nepal are her soul and the country cannot recover without them.”

Ms. Deepika Singh

Speaking from Nepal, Ms. Singh stated “after a rapid assessment of the various affected areas and needs, Religions for Peace Nepal started its immediate relief efforts. In a true spirit of inter-religious collaboration, diverse religious leaders and representatives of RfP Nepal met with the affected communities in Halchowk, Ramkot Okharapauwa and Dhading to show their solidarity and distribute the much-needed essential supplies to over 455 displaced households. This relief assistance will continue to be expanded to other towns and villages in various districts of Nepal in the coming days.”

She went on to add that “Religions for Peace Nepal is currently working with the communities of Ghuseil to construct temporary housing. With the imminent onset of the monsoon, it has become urgent that the people whose homes were destroyed and are living in temporary self-made shelter consisting of bamboo poles covered by plastic sheets have solid structures to move into. With RfP Nepal’s help, the communities are coming together to help build the houses of one another and it is expected that the first ten houses will be completed within two weeks.”

RfP Asia has launched an emergency appeal to their Religions for Peace colleagues in Asia. For those who are not contributing through Religions for Peace Asia, kindly visit to donate.

RfP Nepal is taking a three-pronged approach to support the people and communities

Source: Religions for Peace International