Public Health England last week launched a new resource for healthcare professionals and service providers giving guidance about spiritual needs at the end of life. Faith at the End of Life, which focuses on the UK’s six largest religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism, promotes a public health approach to death, dying and bereavement, highlighting the importance of community in maintaining and promoting the wellbeing of people who are dying, caring or bereaved.
Harvard Launches Free Online Class To Promote Religious Literacy
Harvard University seeks to allay widespread misunderstandings about religions around the globe and has launched a free online series to raise religious literacy.
To combat this illiteracy, Moore and five other religion professors from Harvard University, Harvard Divinity School and Wellesley College are kicking off a free, online series on world religions open to the masses. The courses are being offered via an online learning platform called edX, which Harvard University launched with Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2012.
Nostra Aetate: Cordial Relations with Other Religions
Last October marked the fiftieth anniversary of Nostra aetate (“In Our Time”), the Second Vatican Council’s Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions. There were celebrations in Australia on the signal importance of this document. Commonweal (a Catholic Magazine) has devoted a great deal of space over the years to explaining and … Read more
Vatican Cookbook offers 60 Recipes
Pope Francis once said he wished he could spend a day as an ordinary person and go get a pizza without being recognized. After reading the new The Vatican Cookbook, though, you may wish you could spend a day as Pope Francis to enjoy the delicacies gracing his dinner table.
Pope Calls for End to Death Penalty
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Pope Francis on Sunday called for the worldwide abolition of the death penalty, saying the commandment “You shall not kill” was absolute and equally valid for the guilty as for the innocent.
The Challenge of Compassion and the Global Age: Bendigo Interfaith Council
The Bendigo Interfaith Council along with Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services invite you to a Multi-faith Dinner/Forum: The Challenge of Compassion and the Global Age on Friday, 18 March 2016
Intercultural and Global Citizenship Education
AFS Intercultural Programs, Australia (AFS Australia), Asia Society Australia and SIETAR Australasia are pleased to present the second Asia Pacific International Forum on intercultural and global citizenship education to be held in Perth at the University Club of WA from 16 to 18 March, 2016.
Syrian Refugees – Settlement in the Northern Region of Melbourne
Darebin Intercultural Centre will host a moderated discussion on the settlement of Refugees in the northern suburbs of Melbourne at the Town Hall, Gower St, Preston on 25 February 2016.
#I'll Dine with you ~ World Interfaith Harmony Week 2016
SAVE THE DATE and join us at #IllDineWithYou, an interfaith and intercultural open-air dining experience and actively support our vibrant diverse communities. Enjoy an inspirational evening along our spectacular eighty-metre dining table in the heart of Melbourne.
Queensland: Mosques to offer Sanctuary
Queensland’s Islamic community has vowed to stand “shoulder to shoulder” with “Christian brothers and sisters” to protect asylum seekers from being returned to offshore detention centres, “even if it means our arrest”.
Peace, Faith and Solving Conflict: Cultural Infusion
Cultural Infusion in collaboration with United Religions Initiative are hosting an interfaith event, with the Executive Director of URI from the United States, and Professor Gary Bouma, UNESCO Asia Pacific Chair in inter religious affairs, in Collingwood, on Saturday 20th February. It is a free event to the public and includes refreshments.
South Australia: Annual General Meeting
The Multifaith Association of South Australia will hold its Annual General Meeting on Sunday 21 February 2016, 2pm – 4pm at the Joinery, 111 Franklin St, Adelaide. All are welcome.