Asian Immigrants and Religion

Migrants on boat

An international bilingual workshop on “Asian Immigrants and Religion” was held outside Seoul from October 22nd – 24th 2013, hosted by the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace (ACRP), often known as Religions for Peace Asia. It was organized by ACRP’s Seoul Peace Education Center and sponsored by the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

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Korean DMZ Conference of Interfaith Leaders

Korea DMZ Sentry

For the first time in sixty years on October 26th, 2013, an international peace conference was held at the recently constructed DMZ Peace Conference Center and Plaza within the restricted zone and but fifty metres from the southern line of the demilitarized area within sight of the North Korean and South Korean observation points.

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Integration of Immigrants into Societies:

Asian Conference Religions for Peace

Prof. Des Cahill, Chair, Religions for Peace Australia, delivered the Keynote address in Seoul at the international workshop on “Asian Immigrants and Religion” sponsored by the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace, Seoul Peace Education Center on October 22nd, 2013

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Harmony in the Workplace

Fecca Logo

The Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia (FECCA) has released a new series of factsheets, d aimed at encouraging greater awareness and appreciation of cultural diversity in Australian workplaces

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ACRP Malang Meeting

Asian Conference Religions for Peace

The Asian Conference of Religions for Peace met at the Muhammadiyah University in Malang in East Java on 7th – 10th June, 2013. The Malang Statement is the fruit of this meeting.

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Melbourne: Festival of Tibet

Festival of Tibet, Melbourne

The Tibetan Community of Victoria is holding their inaugural Festival of Tibet on the weekend of Saturday July 6th and Sunday 7th at the Fitzroy Town Hall.

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Asian Conference Meeting

Asian Conference Religions for Peace

Prf. Des Cahill provides an account of the meeting of the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace held at the Muhammadiyah University at Malang in East Java, Indonesia on 7th – 10th, June, 2013. Fifteen nations were represented at the meeting.

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Integrating Human Rights Standards


A report from the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) calls for integrating human rights standards in post-2015 goals, saying discussion of the post-2015 development agenda is an “unmissable opportunity” to address lack of accountability and unfulfilled development commitments regarding the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

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