Curriculum Review Completed

Curriculum Review Completed

Australia’s school curriculum is overcrowded and needs to refocus teaching in early childhood years on literacy and numeracy, according to a Federal Government-commissioned report released on Sunday. The review diligently considered Religion in the Australian curriculum, with input from the ACARA review into Religion in the national curriculum, but made no recommendations.

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Pope Francis opens landmark synod

Pope Francis

Pope Francis has opened a landmark gathering of the Catholic Church’s Bishops in Rome to review Church’s position on divorce, contraception, pre-marital sex. The gathering will also review Church teaching on the family and marriage.

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Australian Imams Council Rejects Violence


The Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) wishes to reassure all Australians that they have nothing to fear from their true Muslim neighbours who want peace and security for everyone regardless of religion. The safety of Australia is a shared aspiration of all citizens.

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Incheon Declaration, 8th General Assembly, ACRP

Asian Conference Religions for Peace

The 8th General Assembly of the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace was conducted at Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Republic of Korea, 25 – 28 August, 2014. There were five delegates from Australia. This report gives the Incheon Declaration of the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace.

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Report on the 8th General Assembly

Asian Conference Religions for Peace

The 8th General Assembly of the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace was conducted at Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Republic of Korea, 25 – 28 August, 2014. A number of delegates and observers from Australia attended the meeting. ms Di Hirsch, national executive member of Religions for Peace Australia, tenders a report of the Assembly.

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World Day of Peace – Unify

World Day of Peace

world day of peace

The Unify World Peace Campaign provides linkage, social media and connectivity for global and local events for World Peace Day.

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UN refugee agency questions Cambodia-Australia deal


The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has distanced itself from Australia’s still unsigned deal to transfer refugees from the Nauru refugee detention center for resettlement in Cambodia, one of Southeast Asia’s poorest nations.

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Youth and Interfaith Dialogue

Youth Global Interfaith

Scarboro Missions (the home of the Golden Rule Poster) have compiled a worldwide listing of Youth and Interfaith Dialogue. This is created as a networking tool to facilitate and empower communication between local interfaith initiatives. In addition to the main directory, you will find educational resources, potential global partners, and other useful information.

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2015 World Parliament in Utah, USA

CPWR logo

The globe’s largest and oldest interfaith gathering, Parliament of the World’s Religions will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, in October 2015, the Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions has announced.

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WHO: Suicide is a public health concern

World Health Organisation

More than 800,000 people each year worldwide commit suicide – around one person every 40 seconds – with many using poisoning, hanging or shooting to end their own lives, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Thursday.

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Day 1 – 8th General Assembly, ACRP

Asian Conference Religions for Peace

The 8th General Assembly of the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace is at present meeting at Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Republic of Korea. The Chair, Religions for Peace Australia, Prof. Desmond Cahill is one of the Vice Presidents of the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace. Prof. Cahill provides an account of the days happenings on Day 1 of the Assembly.

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