Victoria: Interfaith Service: From Fear to Faith

The Interfaith Centre of Melbourne conducts interfaith services at the Toorak Uniting Church as a recurring event. The next interfaith service will take place on Sunday, 9 April 2017 at 3pm. The theme of the service is From Fear to Faith: sex, politics and religion. This is an interspiritual inclusive service.

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International: Partnership in “Ethics in Action” ~ Multireligious Collaboration for Positive Peace

religions for peace international
(New York, 21 February 2017) Religions for Peace (RfP) Co-Presidents, Honorary Presidents, and International Trustees were among the international leaders convened at the Vatican for the second meeting of Ethics in Action initiative on 2-3 February 2017.

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STATEMENT: Partnership in “Ethics in Action” ~ Multireligious Collaboration for Positive Peace

religions for peace international

Ethics in Action
Positive Peace and its Pillars

The world’s religions are based in peace, call for peace, promote peace. Religious leaders since the time of the prophets have been urging that we “beat swords into ploughshares.” “Blessed are the peacemakers,” declares Jesus in the Beatitudes. Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs, Indigenous and other religions’ believers understand-each in their own ways-that peace is the true “name” of their religion. Across the diverse religions, the injunction not to kill and to respect life is deeply shared. The obligation to advance peace is a foundational moral and spiritual imperative across different religious traditions. Accordingly, interpretations of religion that go against peace are self-contradictory.

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FECCA recommends Interfaith Dialogue to Freedom of Religion and Belief Inquiry

FECCA – Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia – has urged interfaith dialogue in its submission to the Australian Government’s Inquiry into the Status of the Human Right to Freedom of Religion or Belief.

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UNITAR Hosts Dialogue on Faith, Peacebuilding & Development

5 February 2016, Palais des Nations, Geneva – Diplomats from permanent missions, staff members from United Nations entities, leaders from NGOs and representatives of major religions gathered at the event, “Dialogue on Faith, Peacebuilding & Development,” to discuss the role of faith in peace-building and how faith-based organizations can support social and economic development in synergy with the new 2030 Agenda.

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Babylonian Talmud Online

One of the most accessible Hebrew and English translations of the Babylonian Talmud is going open source. Today, Sefaria, an online nonprofit bringing traditional Jewish texts to the internet, announced that it will be posting the entire compendium with the crisp bilingual translation of Jerusalem polymath Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz Even-Yisrael.

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