Religious Short Film Prize

The Religious Short Film Prize is an opportunity for film-makers to explore the religious quest through a powerful contemporary medium. The Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture has initiated this venture as part of its commitment to promoting the lively interaction between the arts, religion, faith and culture. The Centre believes that there is wisdom to be found in such an interaction which can contribute to a vision of hope and the common good for Australia. A prize of $5,000 will be awarded to the winning entry.

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Pope meets with Religions for Peace Myanmar

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis met with 17 leaders of Myanmar’s religious communities Tuesday morning, exhorting them that peace consists in unity in diversity, not in uniformity. The Pope met leaders of Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Catholic and other Christian communities at the Archbishop’s House in Yangon, at the start of his first full day of his Nov. 27-30 apostolic visit to Myanmar.

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Myanmar: Pope Francis meets with Buddhist Sangha Council

On November 29, 2017, the third day of his visit to Myanmar, Pope Francis met with the monks of the Sangha Maha Nayaka State Committee, before whom he appealed for the healing of the country’s wounds, without being resigned in face of the challenges or isolated, but ensuring “that each voice be heard.”

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Global Climate Change Week

Global Climate Change Week (GCCW) took place for the second time in October 2016. 288 academics, students, and other members of academic communities from a wide range of disciplines and countries registered including 82 from Africa, 60 from Australasia, 52 from North America, 43 from Asia, 33 from Europe, and 18 from Latin America. In this, its third year GCCW will take place on October 9-15.

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Statement: Myanmar’s Buddhist Leaders Must Take a Stand Against Ethnic Cleansing

In a public address on September 19, Aung San Suu Kyi addressed the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar, saying she is “deeply concerned” about those caught in the conflict, but Myanmar’s government needs time to investigate “what the real problems are” in Rakhine state.

With hundreds of thousands of Rohingya fleeing their homes in Myanmar, more than 110 Buddhist teachers and community leaders have signed a letter calling on Myanmar’s Buddhist leaders take action to end the crisis.

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Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All

Culture Talk is a free series of events hosted by Cultural Infusion that feature prominent guest speakers discussing their field of expertise, followed by a Q&A session with the audience. The next Culture Talk will focus on Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All at Cultural Infusion, Vere St Collingwood on 21 September commencing at 6pm.

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Pope Francis Sends Message to Sant’Egidio Interreligious Peace Meeting in Germany

Pope Francis gave one message to the International Interreligious Peace Meeting, with the theme ‘Paths of Peace,’ taking place Sept. 10-12 in Münster Germany. The Meeting is organized by the Community of Sant’Egidio and the Dioceses of Münster and Osnabrück. The Transcript of the Message is provided by Vatican Press Office.

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Christian-Hindu-Buddhist-Jewish leaders denounce Australian lamb marketing using religious figures

In a remarkable Interfaith gesture, faith leaders overseas have combined to respond to the Meat and Livestock Australia’s advertisement using Gods and Prophets from many religions to promote eating lamb. While artistic expression is free and valued, faith must be respected, said the leaders.

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